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Flag Request

To order a flag that is flown over the Capitol, please fill out the following online form. Click once on the submit button to send your request. It may take a moment for your request to be processed. If a confirmation page does not load after several minutes, please contact our office.

After submitting the form, please print ALL the confirmation pages and send them to the following address:

Office of Congressman Frank Wolf
241 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515

In addition, please enclose a check or money order for the amount shown on the following page made out to Congressman Frank Wolf’s Office Supply Account.This is an official congressional office supply account and the cost is used only to purchase the flag.

* Note: In the memo line print the order number as well as the name for whom the flag is being flown. Without this information we cannot process your request.

Be sure to send your request two months in advance. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks after the flying date for receipt of your flag.  Please also note that we cannot process your request or fly your flag over the Capitol until we have received payment.

If you have any questions or the flag order confirmation page fails to load, please contact Katy Summerlin in my Washington, D.C. office.

Click here to proceed to the Flag Request Form