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2005 Voting Record


My complete voting record for the 1st Session of the 109th Congress includes the votes I cast in 2005. Providing my complete voting record continues my practice each year of making available for the people I represent my votes on all matters coming before Congressman Wolf PhotoCongress. Public accountability is among my most important responsibilities as a member of Congress.

There were 671 roll call votes during the 1st Session of the 109th Congress which convened on January 4 and adjourned on December 22, 2005. Included in those roll call votes were 107 procedural votes, such as rules for consideration of bills and resolutions, approval of the Speaker's journal (or the minutes of the previous day's business), quorum calls, and parliamentary procedure motions, such as motions to rise or adjourn or table or limit debate or sustain a ruling of the chair. I missed only four votes for a voting attendance record of 99.4 percent. Procedural votes and missed votes are not listed in this report.

This report is arranged by general subject areas as follows: each vote begins with the roll call number with a period, followed in bold type by the number of the bill or resolution being considered and a short description of the question on which the vote was taken, including amendments, motions and passage. Next my own vote on the measure is listed in bold type by either a “yes” or “no.” The vote of the entire House follows indicated by either “passed” or “failed” with the vote total, followed by the date on which the vote occurred. Votes taken under suspension of the rules are so noted and an explanation of that procedure may be found in the glossary.