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McMorris Rodgers Advocates for VA Cemetery in Eastern Washington

(Washington, D.C.)  Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers recently sent a letter to Scott Gebhardtsbauer, Director of the Federal VA’s State Cemetery Grants Program, highlighting the need for a veterans’ cemetery in Eastern Washington. In the letter, she encourages him to consider Washington state’s grant application for federal dollars to design and construct the cemetery.

“The construction of this cemetery is long overdue and our veterans deserve to have a cemetery that is close to home,” said McMorris Rodgers. “With the closest veterans’ cemetery nearly 300 miles away, it would help fill a need and serve over 200,000 veterans from Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. I commend the Washington state legislature for passing legislation to establish a veterans’ cemetery in Eastern Washington and will continue to work with them to secure federal funds through the VA grant program.”

Click here to read a copy of the letter.