Jeb Hensarling

Texas' 5th District


Congressman Jeb Hensarling is a life-long conservative dedicated to advancing the principles of faith, family, free enterprise, and freedom. Jeb’s combination of principled conservatism and practical political experience culminated in his being elected Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest conservative caucus in the House of Representatives.

An outspoken advocate for limited government and unlimited freedom, Congressman Hensarling has led efforts to control spending, lower taxes, defend families, strengthen our homeland security, and support our troops. Jeb has served as the Chairman of the RSC Budget and Spending Task Force, where he authored legislation that would balance the budget in five years without raising taxes on American families and individuals.

Serving on the House Committee on the Budget and the House Committee on Financial Services, Jeb has led the charge in Congress for balancing the budget and restraining the growth of government spending. He has become a national voice for conservative values and principles. The Dallas Morning News said that Jeb has emerged as a “rising congressional star” and is a “man of conviction.” The New York Times said that Jeb has become known as a “conservative leader” and in a profile the National Review called Hensarling “Rep. Budget Reform.” According to the National Taxpayer Union, Hensarling scored the highest pro-taxpayer rating in the Texas delegation and the second highest in the entire U.S. House of Representatives.
Jeb understands that taxpayers are tired of the waste in government and is a watchdog in Congress for your tax dollars. He co-authored a Constitutional amendment (known as the Spending Limit Amendment) that would put a lid on the growth of Washington spending by prohibiting federal spending from growing faster than the economy. In other words, the federal budget cannot grow faster than American families’ ability to pay for it. Jeb has also pressured Congress to enact a one-year moratorium on all Congressional earmarks, citing the need to overhaul the broken process.
Jeb believes Washington not only has a spending problem, but also a taxing problem. In 2007, he introduced the Taxpayer Bill of Rights to lay the foundation for a more efficient, common sense budget and tax system in Washington. He also co-authored the Taxpayer Choice Act, a comprehensive, individual income tax reform initiative with two principal aims: eliminate massive future tax increases by repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax, and provide individuals with a modern alternative tax system that is transparent, simple, and efficient.

And, in order to invigorate the economy, Jeb co-authored the Economic Growth Act of 2008 to provide broad, growth-oriented, permanent incentives for economic activity across all sectors and industries.

He has received numerous honors and awards for his outstanding service in Congress, including the “Spirit of Enterprise Award,” the “Small Business Advocate Award,” the “Friend of the Taxpayer Award,” the “Hero of the Taxpayer,” and the “Fighter for Free Enterprise Award,” for his tireless efforts on behalf of Texas taxpayers and small businesses.

Jeb Hensarling was born in Stephenville, Texas, and grew up working on his father’s farm near College Station. Jeb was an active student leader at Texas A&M University, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in economics in 1979. Later, he went on to earn a law degree from the University of Texas in 1982.

After serving on Senator Phil Gramm’s staff for several years, Jeb spent ten years in the private sector, serving as an officer for a successful investment firm, a data management company, and an electricity retail company. His experience in helping to create jobs and having to meet a regular payroll have made him an ally of small business, a champion of regulatory relief, and a strong advocate for economic growth.

Dating back to his early years as an Eagle Scout, Congressman Hensarling has remained actively involved in his community. He has been a leader with the American Cancer Society of Dallas and a board member for the Children’s Education Fund. Jeb and his wife Melissa are members of St. Michael and All Angels Church and reside in Dallas with their two children, Claire and Travis.
Contact Information
DC Office 129 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-3484
Fax (202) 226-4888
Committee Assignments
Financial Services
Leadership Positions
House Republican Conference Chairman