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Iraq Debate Update

Iraq Debate Update

As was expected, both houses of Congress have passed the flawed war-funding bill.  This legislation is a poor attempt to micromanage the War on Terror from Capitol Hill by setting an arbitrary timeline for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.  It is unwise to have 535 politicians in Washington, D.C. attempt to make strategic decisions about the conduct of the war.  That work should be left to the commanders on the field of battle.  That is why I have consistently voted against this policy, and it is why the President will veto this bill this week.

When I was in Iraq in March, the message I heard from our troops was “Let us do our job so we can win.”  Once the President issues his veto, I hope that the House and Senate can move forward and put together a serious bill that lets our troops do what is necessary to complete their mission.

Report on Medicare and Social Security

A report was released last week that paints a bleak picture for the future of Medicare and Social Security.  These two cherished programs have helped seniors stay healthy and out of poverty.  However, this latest report warns of a fiscal crisis if no action is taken to reform these programs.  According to the report, the Social Security trust fund will be empty by 2041, and the Medicare Hospital Insurance trust will be depleted by 2019.  By law, this report requires that the government reduce Medicare spending next year.  We have seen this situation coming for years, but have failed to act.  This warning should be all the motivation we need to work to reform these important programs.  If we fail to do so, more cuts or steep tax increases – or both – will be required down the road.

On This Week’s Agenda…

A bill – H.R. 1592 – will come to the floor this week that could restrict religious freedom and First Amendment rights and result in an unequal system of justice for victims of crimes.  The crime itself should determine punishment, not the opinions of the criminal.  Murderers and those guilty of assault should receive stiff penalties regardless of their motivations.  Ultimately, this bill is not only bad policy but it is also unconstitutional and will likely be struck down by the courts.  I will vote against this bill when it comes to the House floor.