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End of Year Accomplishments

End of Year Accomplishments

I am pleased to report that Congress officially wrapped up its business for the First Session of the 110th Congress. Several key pieces of legislation were passed and have been, or are expected to soon be, signed into law by President Bush. The House of Representatives will officially begin the Second Session of the 110th Congress on January 15, 2008.

Congress ended the year with a number of successes that held the line on federal spending and growth of government, continued to provide tax relief for millions of Americans, and ensured that quality health care is available to seniors, veterans and needy children. Additionally, Congress provided important funds to the Department of Defense to ensure that our brave men and women of the armed forces have what they need to continue their fight against radical Islamists in the Global War on Terror.

Some of the key pieces of legislation passed include:

  • I was delighted to join many of my colleagues in voting for legislation that protects 23 million Americans, many from West Texas and the Big Country, from an average $2,000 tax increase by shielding them from the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). I firmly believe the people of the 19th District know how to spend their money better than the federal government, and I will continue to work towards tax relief and reform next year. The federal government does not have a revenue problem; it has a spending problem. I have committed myself to work with my colleagues and urge fiscal responsibility and end wasteful spending of your hard earned money.
  • I voted to continue the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), within the original intent of the program when it was created in 1998. This legislation was fiscally responsible, as it does not move towards a government run health care system. It puts our children with the greatest needs first and maintains current requirements for proof of citizenship for access to the program. Additionally, I supported legislation to ensure senior citizens in Medicare and military beneficiaries will continue to have access to quality care from their doctors.
  • Another critical piece of legislation we finalized was continued funding for our armed forces currently engaged in the Global War on Terror. We owe it to those who protect us to provide them with the best possible equipment and the funding they need to carry out the crucial mission of fighting radical Islamic terrorism. Nothing is more important than fighting terrorism and protecting our homeland.

Community Requested Funding Approved for 2008

Local communities know their needs better than bureaucrats in Washington, DC. When local leaders came to me with requests to support community requested federal funding for local priorities, I was pleased to submit them for consideration in Congress’ annual federal funding bills.

Some of the key projects that received funding include: increased police training, research grants for Texas Tech University (TTU) to continue critical work to enhance wind power, improve agriculture production and conserve water, and help our country respond to biological and chemical threats. This funding is particularly important because it is providing real world, applicable results and continues to show immense progress in energy independence and protection for our homeland security, soldiers and first responders.

For additional information on specific grants, please visit my webpage, www.randy.house.gov and review the most recent press releases.

Randy’s Roundup will return on January 7, 2008. Until then, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May God bless you and may God bless this great country of ours.
