
One Minute on Health Care

One Minute on Health Care
Congressman Doug Lamborn, July 21, 2009

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Text of Speech:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today troubled about the Democrats’ proposed government takeover of our health care system. 

The Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that this legislation will not reduce costs, but rather drive health care costs even higher for American families.

In addition to rising costs, according to the White House’s chief economic advisor, Christina Romer, business tax hikes alone could destroy up to 4.7 million jobs.  I believe lower coverage and fewer jobs is not the health care reform that hardworking Americans deserve.  

Instead, Congress should consider free market and tax code reforms to make our health care system better. 

The President and his majority in Congress failed to produce jobs with the so-called stimulus.  Where are the jobs? Why should we trust them with revising the 1/6 of our economy based on health care, when their own advisors say it will mean millions of more jobs lost?