
Lamborn Statement on Pelosi Health Care Plan

“I am reviewing this nearly 2,000-page Pelosi health care bill. It is nothing but a combination of several earlier Democrat health care bills and is still a government takeover of one-sixth of our nation’s economy. It contains mandates and higher taxes on small businesses, fees and mandates on individuals, and significant increases in government regulation and spending.

“We already have two 'public options' for health care, Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is on course to bankruptcy in eight years, and has a long-term unfunded liability of $38 trillion. Medicaid is today’s leading driver of budget problems for the States. It makes no sense to create a third public option, and fund it largely by taking resources and adding costs to the other two, when they are on an unsustainable course.

“I support reasonable reforms that address the underlying causes of skyrocketing health care costs, such as tort reform, tax reform, and interstate competition. The Pelosi health care bill fails to address these fundamental issues.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


To read H.R. 3962, the Pelosi health care bill, click here.

To view the comprehensive reform bill co-sponsored by Congressman Lamborn, H.R. 3400, Empowering Patients First Act, click here.

