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Role 3 Lab - Radio

Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Margaret Trujillo | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 11.17.2012

Service members in Afghanistan who receive life-threatening injuries need blood quickly to help save their lives. The lab technicians at the southern region’s major trauma hospital ensure these patients get...


EOD Train How to React to a Suspicious Package - Radio

Audio by Lance Cpl. Haley Foret | American Forces Network, Iwakuni JAPAN | Date: 03.06.2012

Suspicious objects in your military installation is a very real threat. Lance Corporal Haley Foret shows us how Servicemembers aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni trained to deal with the threat. Soundbites...


Air Assault - Radio, Package

Audio by Cpl. Tia Nagle | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 02.08.2012

Coalition forces are constantly conducting operations to disrupt insurgent activity and support the local population. Marine Cpl. Tia Nagle was with a unit in Southern Afghanistan during a recent air assault....


Around the Peninsula: May 16

Courtesy Audio | American Forces Network Korea | Date: 05.16.2011

This edition features stories about how the month of May recognizes National Nurse and Medical Technician week. Airmen from the 51st Med Group at Osan Airbase spent some time with children in the community....