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Budget, Taxes And Revenue

  • 80. H.R. 1270, to extend until October 1, 2005, the 0.1-cent tax rate on motor vehicle fuels sold in the U.S. to fund the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund. Yes. Passed 431-1, under suspension of rules. 3/16/05.
  • 82. H.Con.Res. 95, FY 2006 budget resolution. Amendment to increase FY 2006 spending by a total of $15.8 billion, including $8 billion for education, training and social services programs, $2 billion for health care, and $2.9 billion for veterans’ health care, while increasing FY 2006 revenue by $25.8 billion by reducing tax cuts for those earning more than $1 million. No. Failed 180-242. 3/17/05.
  • 83. H.Con.Res. 95. Substitute amendment to provide for an extra $58 billion in mandatory spending cuts over five years, reduce non-defense and non-homeland discretionary spending by 2 percent, provide reconciliation protection for $106 billion in tax cuts, establish new budgetary points of order and require roll call votes on legislation authorizing or appropriating more than $50 million. No. Failed 102-320. 3/17/05.
  • 85. H.Con.Res. 95. Substitute amendment to increase FY 2006 spending by $36.3 billion, including $23.9 billion for education and job training and $7.8 billion for homeland security and veterans’ programs and call for the rescission of tax cuts for wealthy individuals, the closing of tax loopholes and the reduction of funding for the ballistic missile defense program. No. Failed 134-292. 3/17/05.
  • 87. H.Con.Res. 95. Substitute amendment to institute pay-as-you-go rules requiring tax cuts and mandatory spending increases be offset while eliminating $68.6 billion in cuts in mandatory spending and adding $4.5 billion more for education and training, $1.6 billion for veterans and $2.9 billion for environmental protection and conservation, and calling for spending levels to produce a balanced budget by FY 2012. No. Failed 165-264. 3/17/05.
  • 88. H.Con.Res. 95. To adopt the FY 2006 budget resolution to allow up to $843 billion in discretionary spending plus $50 billion for operations in Iraq, calling for mandatory spending cuts of $68.6 billion over five years and tax cuts totaling $106 billion with $45 billion protected by reconciliation rules, and providing for defense spending to increase by 4 percent over FY 2005 to $439 billion and non-defense spending to be cut by 1 percent to $404 billion. Yes. Passed 218- 214. 3/17/05.
  • 101. H.R. 8, estate tax permanent repeal. Substitute amendment to increase the estate tax exemption to $3 million for individuals and $6 million for married couples in 2006 and provide that in 2009, the exemption would increase to $3.5 million for individuals and $7 million for married couples, and freeze the maximum estate tax at the current rate of 47 percent and reinstate the 5 percent surtax on estates valued at more than $10 million that was repealed under the 2001 tax law. No. Failed 194-238. 4/13/05.
  • 102. H.R. 8. On passage of the bill to make permanent the repeal of the estate tax contained in the 2001 tax cut law. [Note: the estate tax cut is set to expire in 2010.] Yes. Passed 272-162. 4/13/05.
  • 134. H.Con.Res. 95. Motion to instruct conferees on the FY 2006 budget resolution to insist on a conference report that would reject cuts to the Medicaid program and to include a $1.5 million reserve fund for the creation of a bipartisan Medicaid commission. Yes. Passed 348-72. 4/26/05.
  • 149. H.Con.Res. 95. To adopt the conference report to the FY 2006 budget resolution to set spending and revenue targets for five years, limit discretionary spending to $843 billion and provide instructions for reconciliation bills to achieve $34.7 billion in savings to mandatory programs and $70 billion in tax cuts. Yes. Passed 214-211. 4/28/05.
  • 480. H.R. 3768, to agree to the Senate amendment to the bill to provide tax breaks to Hurricane Katrina victims including provisions to waive penalties for early withdrawal from retirement funds, increase deductions for charitable donations by individuals and businesses, and allow low- income workers to maintain benefits such as the earned income tax credit. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 9/21/05.
  • 601. H.R. 4241, Deficit Reduction Act to provide for reconciliation under the budget resolution to make changes to programs to produce budget savings of $49.9 billion over five years. Yes. Passed 217-215. 11/17/05.
  • 613. H.R. 4096, alternative minimum tax (AMT) relief to extend for one year through 2006 the higher exemption levels for the AMT, adjusted for inflation. Yes. Passed 414-4, under suspension of rules. 12/7/05.
  • 617. H.R. 4388, to extend for one year through 2006 various expiring tax provisions including allowing military combat zone pay to continue to be counted as earned income for purposes of computing the earned income tax credit. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 12/7/05.
  • 618. H.R. 4440, to provide tax benefits for businesses and individuals in the Gulf coast areas affected by hurricanes by creating a Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone) and authorize the states of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi to issue GO Zone tax-exempt bonds for residential rental projects and acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and renovation of nonresidential real and public utility property, but prohibit such bonds from financing private golf courses, country clubs, massage parlors, hot tub facilities, suntan facilities, racetrack or other gambling facilities, and liquor stores. Yes. Passed 415-4, under suspension of rules. 12/7/05.
  • 619. H.R. 4297, tax relief extension reconciliation. Amendment as a substitute to extend for one year expiring tax provisions including the deduction for state and local retail sales taxes, deduction for college tuition expenses, tax incentives for the District of Columbia and Indian reservations, the 15-year depreciation period for leasehold and restaurant improvements, qualified zone academy bonds and the Brownfields cleanup tax incentive, and eliminate all individual minimum tax liability for incomes below $200,000 in the case of joint returns and below $100,000 in all other cases for taxable year 2006. No. Failed 192-239. 12/8/05.
  • 620. H.R. 4297. Motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to strike a provision related to capital gains and dividend tax breaks and add a new provision regarding tax relief for the alternative minimum tax. No. Failed 193-235. 12/8/05.
  • 621. H.R. 4297. On passage of the tax relief extension reconciliation bill to provide $56.1 billion to extend tax cuts set to expire between 2005 and 2010 including reduced tax rates on capital gains and dividends, allowance for small businesses to write off more than $100,000 in capital investments in the year they are made, college tuition deduction, research and development tax credit, and state and local sales tax deduction in states without income taxes. Yes. Passed 234- 197. 12/8/05.
  • 652. S. 1932. Motion to instruct House conferees on the budget reconciliation bill to strike House provisions that would reduce eligibility for food stamps and funding for child support enforcement, repeal the Byrd amendment in the House-passed bill and accept the Senate-passed language eliminating the stabilization fund for Medicare Advantage payments. No. Passed 246- 175. 12/16/05.
  • 670. S. 1932. To adopt the conference report to the budget reconciliation bill to provide net savings of $39.7 billion over five years through budget changes to various federal programs. Yes. Passed 212-206. 12/19/05.