USCapitol's photostream / Tags / capitolbuilding


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Construction of Capitol Dome Nearing Completion by USCapitol

U.S. Capitol Dome by USCapitol

U.S. Capitol in May by USCapitol

U.S. Capitol in May by USCapitol

Magnolias by USCapitol

West Front of the U.S. Capitol by USCapitol

Tulips in Bloom on the U.S. Capitol Grounds by USCapitol

The U.S. Capitol - Circa 1830 by USCapitol

Plan for Capitol Extension Circa 1850 by USCapitol

U.S. Capitol Dome and Full Moon by USCapitol

U.S. Capitol Building in Snow - February 2010 Blizzard by USCapitol

February 2010 Blizzard by USCapitol

February 2010 Snowstorm at the U.S. Capitol by USCapitol

Construction of the U.S. Capitol Dome by USCapitol

Snowfall in Washington, D.C. - 2010 by USCapitol

Good monday morning from the U.S. Capitol. by USCapitol

Capitol Reflecting Pool by USCapitol

The U.S. Capitol Dome by USCapitol

Snow covered steps by USCapitol

The 2011 Capitol Christmas Tree by USCapitol

Dome Keepers by USCapitol

Cold December day on Capitol Hill by USCapitol

The U.S. Capitol and Senate Fountain by USCapitol

Snow in Washington, D.C. by USCapitol

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