Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

93d Cong.  ↑  88 Stat.  ↑  June 24, 1974  ↑  93–319 93–320 93–323
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 266 43 1571 nt
101 266 43 1571
102 268 43 1572
103 269 43 1573
104 270 43 1574
105 270 43 1575
106 43 1575a
107 270 43 1576
108 270 43 1577
109 270 43 1578
110 43 1579
111 43 1580
201 270 43 1591
202 271 43 1592
203 271 43 1593
204 272 43 1594
205(a), (b)(1) 272 43 1595
205(b)(2) 273 43 1543
205(c) 273 43 1595
205(d) 273 43 620d
205(e) 274 43 1595
206 274 43 1596
207 274 43 1597
208 274 43 1598
209 275 43 1599