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District Columbia

117. H.Res. 413, rule to consider S. 1502, District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act of 1997. Yes. Passed 224-199. 4/30/98.

118. S. 1502, District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act of 1997. Motion to recommit the bill to the Government Reform and Oversight Committee with instructions to authorize $3.5 million for the District of Columbia control board to fund reading tutors in the District’s 73 lowest performing schools and authorize $3.5 million for the Education Department to fund reforms at the District’s 70 lowest performing schools to be administered under the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration education program. No. Failed 198-224. 4/30/98.

119. S. 1502. On passage of the bill to create a $7 million school scholarship program for low-income elementary and secondary students living in Washington, D.C. Yes. Passed 214-206. 4/30/98.

406. H.Res. 517, rule to consider H.R. 4380, FY 1999 District of Columbia appropriations. Yes. Passed 220-204. 8/6/98.

407. H.R. 4380, FY 1999 District of Columbia appropriations. Amendment to fund the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions at the requested level of $573,000 in FY 1999. No. Failed 187-237. 8/6/98.

408. H.R. 4380. Amendment to allow use of local funds for abortions. No. Failed 180-243. 8/6/98.

409. H.R. 4380. Amendment to strike the prohibition against the use of local funds to sue Congress for voting rights in the House and Senate. Yes. Failed 181-243. 8/6/98.

410. H.R. 4380. Amendment to strike the provision in the bill that repeals the D.C. law requiring new D.C. government employees to reside in the District of Columbia. No. Failed 109-313. 8/6/98.

411. H.R. 4380. Amendment to establish a new program to provide education scholarships to an estimated 2,000 poor D.C. public school students. Yes. Passed 214-208. 8/6/98.

412. H.R. 4380. Amendment to prohibit federal and local funds from being spent on needle exchange programs in the District of Columbia. Yes. Passed 250-169. 8/6/98.

413. H.R. 4380. Amendment to prohibit federal funds from being spent on needle exchange programs in the District of Columbia. No. Failed 173-247. 8/6/98.

414. H.R. 4380. Amendment to prohibit joint adoptions in the District of Columbia by people who are not related by marriage or blood. Yes. Passed 227-192. 8/6/98.

415. H.R. 4380. Amendment to make it illegal for anyone under 18 years of age to possess any cigarette or tobacco product in the District of Columbia, with a first violation carrying a penalty of up to $50. Yes. Passed 283-138. 8/6/98.

416. H.R. 4380. On passage of the bill to provide $491 million in FY 1999 federal appropriations and $6.8 billion from the D.C. treasury for government operations and related activities in the District of Columbia. Yes. Passed 214-206. 8/6/98.