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Agriculture And Rural Affairs

188. H.Res. 446, to adopt the rule to dispose of the conference report on S. 1150, a bill to reauthorize agricultural research and education programs through FY 2002, and allow a point of order to strike $818 million in funding in the conference report to restore food stamps to 250,000 legal immigrants. No. Failed 120-289. 5/22/98.

203. S. 1150, to agree to consider the conference report on the bill to reauthorize agricultural research and education programs through FY 2002 despite a point of order raised against the conference report regarding intergovernmental unfunded mandates. Yes. Passed 324-91. 6/4/98.

204. S. 1150. To adopt the conference report on the bill to reauthorize agricultural research and education programs through FY 2002. Yes. Passed 364-50. 6/4/98.

258. H.R. 4101, FY 1999 agriculture appropriations. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to provide a peanut-price support loan greater than $550 per ton for the 1999 crop of quota peanuts. Yes. Failed 181-244. 6/23/98.

259. H.R. 4101. Amendment to reduce the bill’s funding by $10 million for the Agriculture Department’s Wildlife Services livestock protection program, to try to reduce efforts by the agency to kill predators in western states. Yes. Passed 229-193. 6/23/98.

260. H.R. 4101. Amendment to prohibit the Food and Drug Administration from using funds appropriated in the bill to test, develop or approve any drug for chemically induced abortions. Yes. Passed 223-202. 6/24/98.

261. H.R. 4101. Amendment to lower the loan rates the Agriculture Department provides to sugar cane and sugar beet processors by 1 cent. Yes. Failed 167-258. 6/24/98.

262. H.R. 4101. Amendment to prohibit funds appropriated by the bill from being used to pay salaries or expenses of personnel in the Market Access Program, which promotes agriculture programs abroad. No. Failed 118-307. 6/24/98.

263. H.R. 4101. On demand for a separate vote in the House, amendment to reduce the bill’s funding for the Agriculture Department’s Wildlife Service livestock protection program to try to reduce efforts by the agency to kill predators in western states. Yes. Failed 192-232. 6/24/98. [Note: the amendment was previously adopted in the Committee of the Whole on June 24, roll call 259. ]

264. H.R. 4101. On passage of the bill to provide $55.9 billion in FY 1999 appropriations for agriculture programs. Yes. Passed 373-48. 6/24/98.

430. H.R. 4101. Motion to instruct House conferees on the bill to agree to the Senate provisions providing emergency funding with no off-setting deductions for agricultural disaster assistance. Yes. Passed 331-66. 9/15/98.

478. H.R. 4101, conference report to FY 1999 agriculture appropriations. Motion to recommit the conference report to conference committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment to increase emergency funding for farmers. No. Failed 156-236. 10/2/98.

479. H.R. 4101. To adopt the conference report to provide $55.9 billion in FY 1999 appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and agriculture-related programs. Yes. Passed 333-53. 10/2/98.