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NEWS RELEASE – April 5, 2011


(Washington, D.C.) – Today Congressman Nunnelee issued the following statement regarding Chairman Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget resolution, “The Path to Prosperity.”

“The answer is simple; you can’t spend money you don’t have,” said Nunnelee. “Americans know this, and House Republicans are serious about dealing with Washington’s spending illness. We’ve been saying more cuts were coming, and here they are. I am confident that the Path to Prosperity is the spending blueprint that will put our families, our economy, and our nation first.  For far too long, excessive government spending has been ignored and ultimately resulted in severe consequences for all Americans.  We’ve seen it in higher taxes, an increase in the cost of living and higher unemployment rates – enough is enough.”

“Chairman Ryan’s proposal ends all budget gimmicks and sets a clear standard for controlling spending.  Hardworking taxpayers deserve stability and security, not the uncertainly created from years of simply accepting the status quo.  America sent this new majority to Washington to ensure that we achieve results that matter, results that will lift the mountain of debt we are placing on our children and grandchildren and guarantee a stronger, more prosperous America,” concluded Nunnelee.

The Path to Prosperity will:

  • Cut $6.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade from the President’s 2012 budget proposal.
  • Immediately reduce the deficit and bring it below one trillion dollars in 2012 for the first time since 2008.
  • Reduce deficits by $4.4 trillion compared to the President’s budget over the next decade .
  • Create nearly 1 million new private-sector jobs and bring unemployment rate down to 4% by 2015.
  • Repeal and defund ObamaCare, including the new $800 billion in tax increases imposed by the health care law.
  • Stop the raid on the Medicare trust fund that was to be used to pay for ObamaCare, returning sustainability and fiscal responsibility to the program.
  • Keep taxes low by preventing the $1.5 trillion tax increase called for in the President’s 2012 budget.
  • Simplify the tax code and sets a top tax rate for individuals and businesses at 25%.
  • Secure our health and retirement benefit programs both for current beneficiaries, who will receive the benefits they’ve planned their retirements around, and for future generations, who will inherit stronger programs they can count on when they retire.

NOTE:  For more information on the fiscal year 2012 House budget resolution, visit http://budget.house.gov/fy2012budget/.


Congressman Alan Nunnelee represents Mississippi’s First Congressional District and serves on the House Appropriations Committee.  This is his first term.

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