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Brady Very Disappointed in Supreme Court ObamaCare Decision

Brady says Real Change Will Have to Come in November

Washington, DC –Today the U.S. Supreme Court told Americans struggling to get by that Congress can force them to buy government-approved health care or pay a tax.

“Today, individual freedom took a body blow in the highest court in the land,” said Texas Congressman Kevin Brady. “Despite the fact that ObamaCare is bad for the economy, drives up health care costs and makes the deficit worse, the Supreme Court told every American that there are no limits on Washington’s power to force Americans to do something simply by taxing them.”

Brady, who spearheaded charts depicting how ObamaCare would put 159 new government agencies and programs between patients and their doctors, said Americans who don’t want government to order them to private product merely because they exist will need to make their voices heard in November.

“I look forward to voting for full repeal in the House on July 11 and I will keep fighting for full repeal, because Americans want limited government and free market driven reforms including an end to junk medical lawsuits,” added Brady. “What they didn’t want was this Washington knows best approach. Today, however, was not the final word on this terrible legislation and the American people will have their say at the ballot box in November.”