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  • RSC Update: The Smiths Spend WAY Too Much
    Nov 1, 2012  - From the Chairman Is it fair to spend so much today that our kids are massively in debt when they grow up? That’s the question facing the Smith family in the video below. Our video may be light-hearted, but the subject is serious. As of this week, it’s been 3.5 years since Senate Democrats passed a... More
  • RSC Update: Startling Revelations About the Terrorist Attack in Libya
    Oct 15, 2012  - From the Chairman Two facts stand out from the hearing the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform held last week on security failures leading up to the attack on our consulate in Libya last month. 1) The State Department was more interested in portraying the situation in Libya as “normal”... More
  • RSC Update: Falling Incomes, Rising Prices
    Oct 1, 2012  - Data Points If you feel like the last four years have been tough, the data backs you up. While plenty of things have gone up in price (gasoline perhaps most notably), incomes have actually fallen. (Click here for high resolution image) A few points about the chart above, which visualizes these... More
  • RSC Update: Let’s Apply Welfare Reform to Food Stamps
    Sep 24, 2012  - From the Chairman The welfare reforms of 1996 achieved great success thanks to a two-part strategy. Strong work requirements were the first half of the equation. Second, Congress replaced the open-ended entitlement formula for cash welfare with something known as a block grant. In the old system,... More
  • RSC Update: It’s Not About the Video
    Sep 18, 2012  - From the Chairman President Obama and his top aides insist the recent wave of protests and attacks by radical Islamists, which began on the anniversary of 9/11, are spontaneous demonstrations sparked by a YouTube video. While preliminary news reports pointed in that direction, we have since learned... More
  • RSC Update: When an Entire City Stops Looking for Work
    Sep 10, 2012  - From the Chairman Imagine if – in the span of one month – every resident of a major American city gave up looking for a job. That’s essentially what happened in August when 368,000 people dropped out of the work force. By comparison, the city of New Orleans, Louisiana has a population around... More
  • RSC Update: If the Federal Government Ran the Olympics…
    Aug 7, 2012  - From the Chairman Could you imagine if the federal government ran the Olympics? The Department of Competition would determine winners and award medals. They’d subsidize some competitors and punish others. As a result, athletes would spend less time training and more time making political... More
  • RSC Update: The Question of the Year — More Taxes or More Jobs?
    Jul 30, 2012  - From the Chairman Three simple actions from the federal government could do a lot for our economy. Spend no more than we can afford. Free job creators from the heavy hand of overregulation. And replace our tax code with one that actually makes sense, such as the simpler, flatter, and fairer... More
  • RSC Update: One Rule at a Time, America Becomes "Regulation Nation"
    Jul 23, 2012  - From the Chairman It’s important to have sensible rules of the road in place, but government bureaucracy has grown too expensive, too expansive, and too intrusive. Monday through Friday, the federal government cranks out new proposals to regulate American life, which then get published in The... More
  • RSC Update: Obama Claims Government Is "How We Created the Middle Class"
    Jul 16, 2012  - From the Chairman Like most Americans, I’ve always thought it was freedom and free enterprise that created the middle class and led to better standards of living across the globe. The crowd at President Obama’s recent campaign rally in Roanoke, VA, however, heard a different tale. During his... More