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Happy Fourth of July: More than Two Centuries of Independence

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July: More than Two Centuries of Independence

Today, we celebrate our nation’s 235th birthday. Even though the signing of the Declaration of Independence occurred more than two centuries ago, Americans today feel many of the same sentiments as they did at that time.  Just like then, Americans today are once again faced with a government that is not listening to them, much like the English Monarchy that had the American Colonists under their boot heel.

So eloquently written, the Declaration states that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” I strongly believe that government should be of the people, by the people and for the people. Serving in the public sphere should be just that, an act of service to the American people; it should not be done for political gain or personal benefit.

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and their fellow patriots did not declare independence from Great Britain because they thought it would increase their net worth or make them look good in the press. They served their country so that their fellow Americans, their children and all their descendents could live with the kind of liberty and freedom that was not possible under a government so distant and unaware of the wants of Americans.

Serving the people of the 19th District of Texas is not a responsibility I take lightly. I do not take for granted or undervalue the work of a Member of Congress, and I am truly grateful to serve and represent you in Washington. That’s why I always enjoy hearing from you, your thoughts, opinions, and how you think the federal government can do better. Today, let’s remember those who risked so much, so long ago, over the past 235 years and still today, so that we could be a free nation. May God bless you and your loved ones on this celebratory day. Happy Independence Day!

President Obama Issues Major Disaster Declaration for Texas

Last Friday, President Obama declared parts of Texas a Major Disaster Area, which he should have done earlier this year.  This declaration will make much needed federal funds available to help communities in designated counties recover from recent wildfires.  The counties included in the declaration include:

Andrews, Archer, Armstrong, Bailey, Baylor, Brewster, Callahan, Carson, Castro, Clay, Coleman, Concho, Cottle, Crockett, Dawson, Duval, Eastland, Garza, Glasscock, Hall, Hemphill, Hockley, Irion, Kent, King, Lynn, Martin, Mason, Mitchell, Moore, Motley, Pecos, Presidio, Scurry, Stephens, Sterling, Sutton, Terrell, Terry, Throckmorton, Tom Green, Trinity, Tyler, Val Verde, and Young.

These funds will help communities with the costs they incurred from fighting the wildfires and with recovery efforts.  Additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the state and warranted by the results of further damage assessments. I am glad President Obama finally realized what we have known for a long time, that these wildfires have been extensive and devastating, and Texas communities deserve this much needed assistance. Dana and I continue to pray for rain, which is the ultimate relief needed by the region.

Mobile Office Hours – July 2011

July 11th through July 22nd, my district staff will be holding mobile office hours in various towns all across the 19th District of Texas. If you are having an issue with a federal government agency, if you would like to share an opinion on an issue, or if you would just like to drop in and say “hi”, please stop by one of the sites and one of my staff members will be glad to help you. Visit my website to see when and where these mobile office hours will take place.

Legislation this Week: Defense Appropriations Bill

This week, H.R. 2219, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY2012, will be brought to the House Floor. This bill contains $530 billion in non-emergency funding, a decrease of $9 billion from President Obama’s request. This bill will appropriate funds for FY2012 for the Department of Defense (DoD) for military personnel, operations and maintenance, procurement for aircraft, missiles, weapons, tracked combat vehicles, ammunition, shipbuilding and conversion, and other operations and responsibilities that fall under the purview of the DoD.

Question of the Week

“Do you think Defense cuts that do not affect troop readiness should be on the table?”

Please visit my website to submit your answer to this week's question.

Thank you for your continuing responses to our “Question of the Week.” Here are the results from last week’s question:

“Do you believe the federal government should put money in transportation infrastructure and construction across the country? Or should this responsibility be left up to the states?”

Federal Government – 5%
State Government – 45%
Both – 43%
Neither – 3%
Undecided – 1%


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. Please forward the Roundup to anyone who might enjoy hearing updates from DC, and sign up for mobile updates by texting RANDY to GOPGOV (467468). In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website, call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or call my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.