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On “Face The Nation”: Freezing All Tax Rates Essential to Helping Economy, Creating Jobs
Posted by Press Office on September 12, 2010
During an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” this morning, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) said that Republicans are not holding middle-class tax cuts hostage, but instead are focused on working across party lines to do what’s best for our economy, which means freezing all tax rates.  Boehner’s comments deprive President Obama of the ability to continue making false claims about where Republicans stand on this critical issue.  Boehner noted that in stark contrast to Republicans’ proposal to freeze all tax rates to promote small business job creation, the president’s plan raises taxes on half of small business income in America, punishing the very employers who are already afraid to invest in the economy.  During the interview, Boehner called on President Obama and Democratic Leaders to heed the growing bipartisan outcry for freezing all the tax rates and allow Congress to have an open dialogue on the issue this month.  Following are the full video and excerpts from Boehner’s appearance on “Face the Nation”:

Boehner Says Republicans Are Not Holding Middle-Class Tax Cuts Hostage, But Instead Are Focused On Bipartisan Solutions To Freeze All Tax Rates:

“If the only option I have is to vote for some of those tax reductions, I’ll vote for it.  But I’ve been making the point now for months that we need to extend all the current rates for all Americans if we want to get our economy going again, and we want to get jobs in America. … I would hope that there would be an open debate, an open process, and let’s let the Congress decide what the current tax rates should be and for who they should be.  I think there’s a growing chorus on Capitol Hill to extend all of these tax rates, and I would hope that we would do it.”
Boehner Notes That Half Of Small Business Income In America Will Face Higher Taxes Under The President's Plan:

“It’s not Republicans standing in the way here, there’s a growing chorus of Democrats in both the House and the Senate, who believe that we should extend the current tax rates for all Americans. When you start to look at who’s going to be taxed, about half of all small business income will be taxed under the president’s proposal.  These are the very people that we expect to invest in the economy and to begin creating jobs. Why would we want to punish them?”

Boehner: Raising Taxes In A Weak Economy Is A Bad Idea, And Economists Agree:

“I think raising taxes in a very weak economy is a really, really bad idea, and most economists would agree with that.  And I just think that if we’re going to extend the tax cuts for some Americans, why don’t we extend these current tax rates to all Americans, and get rid of some of the uncertainty that’s out there, so that small businesses can plan, and reinvest in their business, and the new economy.”

Boehner Says To Create Jobs, Let's Cut Spending & Stop The Tax Hike -- Now:

“I think the other thing that has to happen is that we’ve got to cut spending.  If we cut spending we will help our economy, we will send signals to the markets, we will send signals to the business community, that Washington’s attempting to get its fiscal house in order. That’s why the two things that I called on the President to do this week, was to extend all of the current tax rates and let’s do a spending bill this month, not after the election, and not at bloated levels.   Let’s go back to 2008 levels which are about 22% below the current rates, and let’s do the spending bill now. And show the American people that we can work together to cut spending and to keep the current tax rates in order.”

Boehner: What's New About President's Plan For More 'Stimulus' Spending, More Taxes, And More Uncertainty?:

“The president says we’ve had no new ideas, but we’ve offered him new ideas for the last 20 months. And speaking of new, I wonder what’s new about more stimulus spending, more taxes, and more uncertainty for American small businesses.  That’s what the president is proposing.  And what’s new about that?  If the president wants to get serious and wants to do something new, why don’t we cut spending and get rid of this notion that we can continue to spend our way back to prosperity?”


The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Deniz Sari commented on 9/12/2010
    Wow, negotiation 101, never show your hand. You would agree to a tax cut for some tax payers? I would like to know when a family income of $250k made you wealthy. $250k is just a husband and wife who both invested effort, time and money to get an education and work hard. What everyone forgets in Washington is that we also pay significant state income taxes, local property and sales taxes. Then we get nailed by the marriage penalty and AMT. We get no directed support from the government and our public schools are rotten. I understand half of all Americans don't pay any taxes and a significant percentage are net takers. How about a tax system that sets an expectation that as an American you participate and contribute something. How about an AMT that requires at least 10% from everyone. Regards, Deniz Sari
  • Scott Senffner commented on 9/12/2010
    Mr. Boehner, You MUST stick to the principles of small government, lower taxes, etc if you want to be majority leader. You NEED to reinforce the idea with all of your colleagues that ALL of the tax cuts need to be extended so that the economy won't grind to a halt. If you don't extend the tax cuts to the "wealthiest" American's then don't you think they will go some place where they will be taxed less? You must have a backbone on this!
  • Donna St Felix commented on 9/13/2010
    I watched Face the Nation on Sep 12. Concerning the segment on smoking, I hope you can and WILL expose who is behind the negative research and funds the smoking bans with grants along with their motives. I've followed the money and I am appauled at what they have done and got away with - not only concerning the smoking issue. They can sell their nicotine and we EAT it in potato, tomato, cauliflower, egg plant, green pepper, tea and other foods! They should be highly fined and that should go to pay off the national debt. It is no secret that the Ohio smoking ban put a lot of mom and pop businesses out and raised unemployment while others are barely holding on due to the ban. The trickle down has been horrible on paychecks. Free choice and signs in PRIVATE business is the American way. When free choice returns, let me know and I'll start eating out and shopping again.
  • Donna St Felix commented on 9/13/2010
    The first court sessions in Miami Co (Staunton) were held in my ancestors TAVERN ca 1800, his name commonly known as Peter FELIX (Pierre St Felix). I guarantee you he had customers, unlike the 'taverns' and now closed mom and pop restaurants of today with the smoking ban. He and his children survived smoking as we smokers do today, and in better health than the non-smokers, a fact that could be commonly known if BIG BUSINESS would stop their scam which they created with 'grants to fit the agenda', that being THEIR agenda for profits with their no-smoke products. Please do NOT buckle to the deceits with the social agenda they are creating. Follow the money and bring free choice back to the USA.
  • Rick Rousseau commented on 9/13/2010
    I agree with Deniz Sari , Senator Boehner shows why Americans do not trust the Republicans . Scott Senffner is right , REPUBLICANS , get some back bone .
  • Dave Gor commented on 9/13/2010
    It is when republicans start behaving like this, I fell the need to abandon them and go with the tea party.
  • John Ramdial commented on 9/13/2010
    Mr Boehner, It's politicians like yourself that gave rise to the Tea Party movement because of your incessant vacillations with respect to conservative ideals. Pitting one group of taxpayers against another is a Fools game and one that you will surely lose.
  • mike miller commented on 9/13/2010
    1st I,ve got no skin in the game, @ $250K tax increase. I just went to my congressman's house, Ken Calvert and said the same thing here.Mitch McConnel has the right idea. Extend the tax cuts 100% or nothing. Obama owns the house and Senate. You did the right thing on the health care bill. Same on taxes. No Rino's please. thx mike
  • David George commented on 9/16/2010
    The reason the Dems want a stimulus package is because it is the only way they can STEAL the money and get it into their own pockets. They can't STEAL money when tax cuts are involved because all those lawyers don't know to make money via legitmate business.
  • frank mro commented on 9/18/2010
    Why don't we just go back to a flat tax concept ?? Why does anyone trust our politicians whether they are rich or poor ?? They eventually just about all become a bunch of self-serving greed mongers.. Look out below...
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