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David Swerdlick

The arrangement could be a win-win, The Root's contributing editor David Swerdlick writes at the New York Daily News. 

Michael Skolnik

Global Grind's Michael Skolnik, reflecting on the Hurricane Sandy recovery effort and Barack Obama's re-election, concludes that a new America is emerging.

Dr. Wilmer J. Leon

Writing at Black Star News, Dr. Wilmer J. Leon says that the question shouldn't be "What should President Obama do for black America?" It should be "What will black America do for itself politically, and when?"

The Root 100: A Prolific Blogger

On an August 2012 segment of Chris Hayes' MSNBC showUp With Chris Hayes, Melissa Harris-Perry accurately described Coates' writing as "seductive" during a discussion of what was at the time his most recent piece for the Atlantic, "Fear of a Black President."

A Decisive Re-Election Victory

Here's who gave it to President Obama, and what he might do with it.

On To the Next Four Years

Now the business of governing begins again, CNN's Elaine Kamarck writes. She offers tips on the top five issues the president will face.

Sasha Gives Dad Some Cues

Here she is reminding her father not to forget those people standing behind him. (Literally.)

Why Romney Lost the Election

Today is not a good morning for the GOP. President Obama won a second term. Republicans deserve the shellacking we got because the party of Lincoln is running candidates in 2012 like it’s 1860.

Why Republicans Should Re-evaluate

Writing at the Washington Post, Greg Sargent calls President Obama's victory a "big win for Democrats and liberals," but also points out its lessons for Republicans.

Obama: 'This Is Your Victory'

Check out video of the president's acceptance speech and a full transcript of the remarks. 

Bipartisan Baby Brothers?

These new babies will always remember what happened on their birthday in U.S. politics.

Univ. of Mississippi Students Hostile After Obama Win

Just "drunk college kids"? Footage from a school with a troubled racial history shows students lighting Obama-Biden signs on fire last night.