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Judicial Matters

25. H.R. 624, Armored Car Industry Reciprocity Act to require states to legally recognize a weapons license obtained by an armored car guard in another state. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 2/26/97.

52. H.R. 924, to prevent federal judges from barring crime victims and their families from attending the trials of those accused of the crime and testifying in the sentencing phase. Yes. Passed 418-9, under suspension of rules. 3/18/97.

53. H.R. 672, to make technical amendments to certain provisions of the U.S. Copyright Act.. Yes. Passed 424-2, under suspension of rules. 3/18/97.

61. H.Res. 100, rule to consider H.R. 1122, Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. Motion to order the previous question on the rule. Yes. Passed 243-184. 3/20/97.

62. H.Res. 100. To adopt the rule to consider H.R. 1122. Yes. Passed 247-175. 3/20/97.

64. H.R. 1122. Motion to recommit the bill to the Judiciary Committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment to add an exception where the procedure was necessary to avert serious adverse physical health consequences to the woman. No. Failed 149-282. 3/20/97.

65. H.R. 1122. On passage of the bill to impose penalties on doctors who perform certain abortion procedures, in which the person performing the abortion partially delivers the fetus before completing the abortion, with an exception granted where the procedure was necessary to save the life of the woman. Yes. Passed 295-136. 3/20/97.

85. H.R. 400, 21st Century Patent System Improvement Act. Substitute amendment to establish specific circumstances under which a patent may be published and establish a patent term of 17 years from the date the patent is granted, or 20 years from the date on which the patent was filed. No. Failed 178-227. 4/17/97.

86. H.R. 400. Amendment to limit prior use claims on newly patented items to the scope and volume agreed to before the patent is issued. Yes. Failed 185-224. 4/23/97.

87. H.R. 400. Amendment to limit publication of information on all patent applications until after there have been two substantive Patent and Trademark Office actions relating to the issuance of a patent. No. Failed 167-242. 4/23/97.

88. H.R. 400. Amendment to prohibit the Patent and Trademark Office from publishing the patent applications of small businesses, universities and individual investors until the patent is granted and establish specific circumstances under which other patent applications may be published. No. Passed 220-193. 4/23/97.

89. H.R. 400. Amendment to require that all patent examination and search duties be performed within the United States by federal employees; require patent examiners to spend 5 percent of their time yearly in examiner training; exempt the Patent and Trademark Office from federally mandated full-time employee requirements; and establish an incentive program to retain examiners. No. Failed 133-280. 4/23/97.

109. H.Res. 143, rule to consider H.R. 3, Juvenile Crime Control Act. Yes. Passed 252-159. 5/7/97.

111. H.R. 3, Juvenile Crime Control Act of 1997. Substitute amendment to authorize $1.5 billion in discretionary grants to local communities for juvenile crime prevention programs and construction of juvenile incarceration facilities and require localities to use at least 60 percent of grant funds for prevention and early intervention programs. No. Failed 200-224. 5/8/97.

112. H.R. 3. Amendment to delete the provision that would require juveniles who are charged with conspiracy to commit drug crimes to be prosecuted as adults. No. Failed 100-320. 5/8/97.

113. H.R. 3. Amendment to delete the provision that would permit prosecution of 13-year-olds as adults. No. Failed 129-288. 5/8/97.

114. H.R. 3. Amendment to delete the provision that would allow states to use juvenile crime block grant funds to build, operate or expand juvenile prisons and detention centers. No. Failed 101-321. 5/8/97.

115. H.R. 3. Amendment to require 50 percent of the juvenile crime block grant funds to be used for juvenile crime prevention programs. No. Failed 191-227. 5/8/97.

116. H.R. 3. Amendment to require states to submit a plan to the Justice Department describing the process by which parents will be notified whenever a convicted juvenile sex offender is enrolled in an elementary or secondary school in order to be eligible for certain funding. Yes. Passed 398-21. 5/8/97.

117. H.R. 3. Motion to recommit the bill to the Judiciary Committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment to eliminate the bill’s conditions for states to receive juvenile crime block grant funds and give states more discretion to use the funds for prevention programs. No. Failed 174-243. 5/8/97.

118. H.R. 3. On passage of Juvenile Crime Control Act to make it easier for federal authorities to prosecute juveniles who commit federal violent crimes or federal drug-trafficking offenses as adults and authorize $1.5 billion in financial incentives through FY 2000 for state and local authorities to prosecute juveniles charged with serious crimes as adults. Yes. Passed 286-132. 5/8/97.

150. H.R. 911, Volunteer Protection Act to limit the liability of volunteers in most cases if they are acting within the scope of their responsibilities and are not engaging in criminal or negligent behavior and allow states to opt out of the program if their own laws are deemed adequate. Yes. Passed 390-35, under suspension of rules. 5/21/97.

153. H.R. 956, Drug Free Communities Act to authorize $144 billion through FY 2002 to establish a program to support local communities in the development and implementation of comprehensive drug prevention programs, redirecting funds from existing federal drug-control programs. Yes. Passed 420-1, under suspension of rules. 5/22/97.

202. H.J.Res. 54, to propose a constitutional amendment to allow Congress to prohibit physical desecration of the U.S. flag. Yes. Passed 310-114. 6/12/97. [Note: A two-thirds majority of those present and voting, 283 in this case, is required to pass a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.]

246. H.R. 849, to prohibit illegal aliens from receiving compensation under the program that provides federal relocation assistance to people displaced from their homes by any federally financed project or program, except in cases of exceptional and extremely unusual hardship. Yes. Passed 399-0. 7/8/97.

267. H.R. 1818, to consolidate juvenile crime prevention funding, including boot camps, gang prevention and mentoring programs, into block grants to the state and reauthorize programs to serve runaway and homeless youth and the National Missing Children Center. Yes. Passed 413-14, under suspension of rules. 7/15/97.

293. H.R. 1661, to harmonize U.S. trademark registration requirements with those of other nations in the World Trade Organization to comply with a 1994 international trademark treaty and provide U.S. manufacturers with the same 10-year patent protections in foreign countries as other competitors in those countries. Yes. Passed 425-0, under suspension of rules. 7/22/97.

339. H.Con.Res. 75, to commend the 25 states that require convicted felons to serve at least 85 percent of their prison sentences, encourage all remaining states to adopt legislation to increase time served by violent felons, and re-emphasize congressional support for the requirement that individuals convicted of violent federal crimes serve at least 85 percent of their sentences. Yes. Passed 400-24, under suspension of rules. 7/29/97.

340. H.R. 1348, to expand the federal definition of a war crime under the War Crimes Act of 1996 to include “grave breaches” of the Geneva Convention, certain articles of the Hague Convention and other conventions or protocols to which the U.S. becomes a signatory. Yes. Passed 391-32, under suspension of rules. 7/29/97.

418. S. 996, to permanently reauthorize a pilot program in 20 U.S. district courts that allows certain cases to be heard before arbiters instead of going to trial. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 9/23/97.

419. H.R. 2027, to establish a pilot program to allow recreational boaters traveling from Canada to the U.S. to enter the country by showing just a U.S. passport. Yes. Passed 412-5, under suspension of rules. 9/23/97.

420. H.R. 1683, to expand registration requirements for convicted sex offenders to ensure that those convicted of sexual crimes against children in a federal or military court are included in state registries and that communities are notified when such offenders are to reside there. Yes. Passed 415-2, under suspension of rules. 9/23/97.

443. H.R. 2267, FY 1998 Commerce, Justice, State appropriations. Amendment to allow any defendant to who prevails in a federal prosecution an opportunity to recover legal expenses unless the government can establish it was substantially justified in initiating and prosecuting the case or that an award of attorneys’ fees would be unjust. Yes. Passed 340-84. 9/25/97.

444. H.R. 2267. Amendment to transfer $259 million from violent offender and “truth in sentencing” incentive grants programs to several juvenile crime prevention programs. No. Failed 129-291. 9/25/97.

445. H.R. 2267. Amendment to transfer the $30 million increase for the State Prison Grant Program to the Drug Courts Program. No. Failed 162-259. 9/25/97.

446. H.R. 2267. Amendment to provide an additional $74 million to juvenile justice programs by removing funding allocated for new grants issued by the Advanced Technology Program. Yes. Failed 163-261. 9/25/97.

447. H.R. 2267. Amendment to delete the language in the bill prohibiting federal funds from being used for abortions for women in federal prisons. No. Failed 155-264. 9/25/97.

449. H.R. 2267. Amendment to increase funding for the Legal Services Corporation from $141 million to $250 million. No. Passed 246-176. 9/25/97.

451. H.R. 2267. Motion to sustain the ruling of the chair on a point of order that an amendment was out of order. Yes. Passed 231-188. 9/25/97.

452. H.R. 2267. Amendment to increase by $1 million the FY 1998 funding for the Office of U.S. Trade Representative to better equip the agency to defend national, state, local, and territorial law adversely affected by international agreements, with the increase offset by a $1 million cut in the Commerce Department’s general administration account for salaries and expenses. Yes. Passed 356-64. 9/25/97.

455. H.R. 2267. Amendment to cut by $90 million FY 1998 funding for the Economic Development Administration, bringing the agency’s appropriation level in line with the Senate’s at $271 million. No. Failed 107-305. 9/25/97.

456. H.R. 2267. Amendment to eliminate the Advanced Technology Program by reducing FY 1998 funding by $175 million, leaving the agency $10 million to administer remaining obligations and close out operations. Yes. Failed 177-235. 9/25/97.

457. H.R. 2267.. Amendment to withhold 2 percent, or $7.3 million, of the State Department’s salaries and expenses budget until it designates foreign terrorist organizations as directed in the 1996 anti-terrorism law. Yes. Passed 396-6. 9/26/97.

458. H.R. 2267. Amendment prohibiting the payment of $54 million allocated in the bill for debt payments to international organizations and conferences of the United Nations, and prohibiting the payment of $46 million allocated in the bill for debt payments to the U.N.’s international peacekeeping activities. Yes. Failed 165-242. 9/26/97.

459. H.R. 2267. Amendment to prohibit funds in the bill from being used to pay any expenses of a Teamsters union election. Yes. Passed 213-189. 9/26/97.

475. H.R. 2267. Amendment to strike the bill’s language restricting the use of Census Bureau funds for statistical sampling for the Census 2000. No. Failed 197-228. 9/30/97.

476. H.R. 2267. On passage of the bill to provide $31.8 billion in FY 1998 appropriations for the departments of Commerce, Justice, State and the federal judiciary. Yes. Passed 227-199. 9/30/97.

482. S. 1161, to reauthorize through FY 1999 a program providing grants to private organizations that help refugees adjust to life in the U.S. Yes. Failed 230-193, under suspension of rules. 10/1/97. [Note: 2/3 vote required for passage.]

499. H.Res. 262, rule to consider Senate amendments to H.R. 1122, partial-birth abortion ban. Motion to order the previous question on the rule. Yes. Passed 280-144. 10/8/97.

500. H.R. 1122, partial-birth abortion ban. Motion to agree to the Senate amendments to the bill to allow a doctor facing a penalty under the bill to have a hearing before a state medical board to determine whether the procedure was necessary and to clarify the definition of the outlawed procedure. Yes. Passed 296-132. 10/8/97. [Note: the bill would impose penalties on doctors who perform certain abortion procedures, in which the person performing the abortion partially delivers the fetus before completing the abortion, and provides an exception when the procedure was necessary to save the life of the woman.]

518. H.R. 1534, Private Property Rights Implementation Act. Substitute amendment to eliminate the bill’s provisions that would allow a private property owner to appeal local land use decisions in the federal courts while retaining provisions that allow expedited federal court consideration of land use disputes involving the federal government. No. Failed 178-242. 10/22/97.

519. H.R. 1534. On passage of the bill to establish guidelines for allowing private property owners to appeal local, state and federal land use decisions in federal courts and require federal courts to consider all cases qualifying as “takings” under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. Yes. Passed 248-178. 10/22/97.

541. H.R. 2267. Motion to instruct conferees on the FY 1998 Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary appropriations to disagree with the Senate amendment to permanently extend section 245(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which permits immigrants who have illegally overstayed their visas to remain in the U.S. while seeking permanent legal status after paying a $1,000 fine. Yes. Failed 153-268. 10/29/97.

571. H.R. 1493, to authorize the Immigration and Naturalization Service to screen local jails and prisons for illegal aliens before their arraignment and enable law enforcement officials to deport criminal illegal immigrants immediately after they are released. Yes. Passed 410-2, under suspension of rules. 11/4/97.

627. H.R. 2920, to extend the deadline by which a border crossing card entry-exit system at land border entry points from Canada and Mexico must be operational under the 1996 immigration law until Oct. 1, 1999. Yes. Passed 325-90, under suspension of rules. 11/9/97.

636. H.Res. 330, rule to consider the conference report to H.R. 2267, FY 1998 Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary appropriations. Yes. Passed 285-113. 11/13/97.

639. H.R. 2267, conference report to FY 1998 Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary appropriations. Motion to recommit to the House Appropriations Committee the conference report on the bill to provide $31.8 billion in FY 1998 appropriations for the departments of Commerce, Justice and State, and the judiciary and related agencies. No. Failed 171-216. 11/13/97.

640. H.R. 2267. To adopt the conference report to provide $31.8 billion in FY 1998 appropriations for the departments of Commerce, Justice and State, and the judiciary and related agencies. Yes. Passed 282-110. 11/13/97.