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District Columbia

26. H.R. 497, to repeal the federal charter of Group Hospitalization and Medical Services Inc., and authorize the insurance plan to become a nonprofit corporation in the District of Columbia. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 2/26/97.

34. H.R. 513, to exempt certain contracts entered into by the District of Columbia government from review by the D.C. City Council. Yes. Passed 390-7, under suspension of rules. 3/6/97.

508. H.Res. 264, rule to consider H.R. 2607, FY 1998 District of Columbia appropriations. Yes. Passed 370-50. 10/9/97.

511. H.R. 2607, FY 1998 District of Columbia appropriations. Amendment to strike the bill’s provision that permits a waiver of the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires the payment of locally prevailing wages on federally funded construction projects, for contractors who perform repairs and construction of District of Columbia schools. No. Passed 234-188. 10/9/97.