Fri, 10/05/2012 - 9:15am
CONTACT: Megan Whittemore
(202) 225-7440

Congressman Cantor: High Unemployment Should Not Be The New Normal


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-07) released the following statement on the national unemployment report for the month of September: 

"While today’s unemployment report offered some encouraging news, it simply isn’t good enough. 7.8% unemployment should not be cause for celebration. Millions have given up looking for a job, and left the workforce. The workforce participation rate hasn’t been this low since Jimmy Carter was President. America needs a new direction. 

"From restaurant owners to retail stores, employers are scared to hire with looming tax hikes, rising health care costs and mounting red tape. Moms and Dads, struggling to make ends meet, seek out second jobs and tighten budgets to stay above water. Recent graduates are entering the job market, with college loan payments on the horizon, only to compete for jobs that don’t match their education. And rather than beginning a restful and earned retirement, seniors remain at work, insecure in their economic future. It doesn’t have to be this way. High unemployment should not be the new normal. 

"While the President has offered no solutions and Senate Democrats have been unable to even pass a budget, House Republicans have passed bill after bill to create the environment businesses need to thrive and hire. But time after time we were met with the obstruction of Senate Democrats, and rudderless leadership in the White House. There is a brighter future. We can make life work for Americans again. Together, we can rise above our current challenges and create a society that bolsters opportunity and prosperity. But we cannot do it with empty promises, rising deficits and trickle-down government. It’s time to get to work, so those looking for jobs can do the same.”