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Inhofe Thanks Big Green Group for Award for Efforts to Stop Extreme Left Agenda
“I am truly honored that yet another radical environmental group has given me an award for my efforts to put a stop to President Obama’s far-left global warming agenda.”
October 26, 2012


Matt Dempsey Matt_Dempsey@epw.senate.gov (202) 224-9797

Katie Brown Katie_Brown@epw.senate.gov (202) 224-2160

Inhofe Thanks Big Green Group for Award for Efforts to Stop Extreme Left Agenda

Link to Center for Biological Diversity Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today thanked the Center for Biological Diversity for bestowing their annual award on him for his contribution to putting a stop to the radical global warming alarmist movement.

“I am truly honored that yet another radical environmental group has given me an award for my efforts to put a stop to President Obama’s far-left global warming agenda,” Senator Inhofe said.  “The Center for Biological Diversity should be pleased to know that my award will have a prominent place in my office, along with all the others I have been proud to receive over the years.  As the top Republican on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, I have worked every day to expose the radical left’s extremist agenda aimed at ending American production of oil, gas, and coal because of the devastating consequences it will have on the American people.

“While I am pleased to be singled out this year, I was a little surprised that this award didn’t go to President Obama.  Big Green must be so upset that President Obama has abandoned all talk about global warming while he’s running for reelection.  In what must be quite a blow, he has been professing love for fossil fuels – he’s even trying to take credit for the increased production of natural gas.  Yet, they have some consolation because President Obama has promised that after the election, he’ll go full speed ahead with his green agenda.  That’s why these far-left green groups have endorsed him for a second term. 

“This sudden shift in rhetoric from the President for his reelection is a clear indication that the American people have rejected the extreme green agenda that will kill jobs and increase energy costs.  I am pleased to be on the side that is working to develop our vast resources, put Americans back to work, and increase American energy security.”


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