Sen. Robert Menendez

Sen. Robert Menendez


Proudly serving the State of New Jersey in the United States Senate.

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

Medicare Open Enrollment has been extended for seniors impacted by Hurricane .Call 1-800-MEDICARE if you can't enroll by 12/7

I'm deeply honored to serve another term. Now, it’s time to get back to work ensuring NJ remains a great place to live, work & raise a fam.

Also want to thank my dedicated staff & all who stepped up bc they believe - as I do - that middle class fams, values are worth fighting for

A special thanks to my son, Rob, and to my daughter, Alicia, whom I love very much. I could not be more proud of the both of you.

To all those still struggling tonight from pls know that you are not forgotten & I'll work to help all New Jerseyans recover, rebuild

Thanks NJ! I look fwd to serving ALL New Jerseyans for another 6 yrs in the Senate. I'm extremely grateful for & humbled by this opportunity

IRS waives penalty for using dyed diesel normally for non-tax purps like farming, for transportation in NJ says

For those catching up on tweets -- Boil advisory has been lifted in NB; normal trash pickup resumed; Lord Stirling School shelter still open

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