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Last August, I voted for the Budget Control Act to force the kind of "Go Big" approach that I and many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle feel is necessary to tackle our nation's deficit. The "Go Big" approach targets $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years with a balanced combination of spending cuts and tax reforms that return federal tax revenues to levels historically compatible with strong economic growth. Unfortunately, GOP intransigence on taxes prevented the congressional "Supercommittee" from reaching consensus on a path forward and triggered the budget sequestration we now face.

The cuts contained in the budget sequestration could damage our nation's defense readiness, as well as hinder our ability to help the most vulnerable members of our society.  To be clear, these cuts are unacceptable. However, the proposal passed today by House Republicans (hr 5652) to remove the defense cuts and replace them with reductions to programs that directly affect middle class families and the poor is a misguided approach inconsistent with our nation’s values. Moving forward on a sustainable fiscal path will require shared sacrifice, and I cannot vote for one-sided legislation that places the burden of closing the budget gap disproportionately on low and middle income families. This legislation has no chance of becoming law, so I once again call on my House GOP colleagues to work with me on a "Go Big" approach to find real solutions to our nation's fiscal challenges.