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The Fort Hood Coverup: Lessons Not Learned

(WASHINGTON, DC) – House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter and fellow House Members will address the politically-correct scrubbing of the Department of Defense Report on the Fort Hood Shootings tonight on the floor of the House, after the 52-page DOD report was found to never mention "radical Islam" even once.

The hour-long series of remarks will be broadcast live on CSPAN beginning at an estimated 7:30 p.m. EST. (Available live online at The special orders speeches will be uploaded for replay on YouTube at, prior to a condensed version being provided Wednesday.

"The report flagrantly fails to admit the nature of the attack we suffered at Fort Hood," says Carter. "And that failure bore immediate fruit on Christmas Day when we failed again to head off a planned attack by the same radical Islamic terror network, this time on a U.S. airliner. We even had similar forewarnings as with Major Nidal Hassan, which we ignored again. Had it not been for the misfiring of the terrorist’s bomb we would be mourning hundreds more today."

The former Texas judge wrote Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates last week that he was "deeply disappointed" that the DOD report on the attack "not only ignored the clear radical Islamic facet of the incident," but also failed to designate the attack as either an international terrorist attack or an act of combat by an enemy of the United States. Either designation by the Secretary would make all casualties of the action eligible for combat-related benefits and awards, including the Purple Heart.

Carter, Co-Chairman of the House Army Caucus, has introduced two bills dealing with the Fort Hood attack. The Military Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, HR 4267, protects service members from politically-correct disciplinary action for reporting or taking protective steps against radical Islamic threats. The Fort Hood Families Benefits Protection Act, HR 4088, would by law award both military and civilian casualties of the Fort Hood attack combatant status to ensure full benefits and eligibility for the Purple Heart and the civilian award equivalent.