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172. H.R. 2216, FY 2001 supplemental appropriations. Amendment to cut by $24.5 million the Air Force operation and maintenance account. No. Failed 50-376. 6/20/01.

173. H.R. 2216. Amendment to increase by $30.5 million the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program. No. Failed 212-216. 6/20/01.

174. H.R. 2216. Amendment to strike the bill’s $389 million rescission in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster relief funds and enact a 0.33 percent across-the-board reduction in FY 2001 non-defense discretionary spending to offset the rescission savings. No. Failed 65-362. 6/20/01.

175. H.R. 2216. Motion to recommit the bill to the House Appropriations Committee with instructions to amend it to strike the $389 million rescission from the FEMA disaster relief fund while complying with all applicable budget constraints. No. Failed 209-218. 6/20/01.

176. H.R. 2216. On passage of the bill to provide a net $6.5 billion in FY 2001 supplemental appropriations including $5.5 billion for national defense and $473 million in emergency spending. Yes. Passed 341-87. 6/20/01.

224. H.R. 2216. Motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment and agree to a conference on the bill to appropriate FY 2001 supplemental appropriations and emergency spending. Yes. Passed 423-3. 7/12/01.

225. H.R. 2216. Motion to instruct House conferees to insist that the conference report does not include any provision rescinding Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster relief funds, and insist that conferees agree to Senate provisions appropriating another $35 million to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service for programs related to mad-cow disease and hoof-and-mouth disease and another $84 million for claims under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. No. Failed 205-219. 7/12/01.

256. H.R. 2216. To agree to the conference report to provide $6.5 billion in FY 2001 supplemental appropriations. Yes. Passed 375-30. 7/20/01.

341. H.R. 2888, to provide $40 billion in FY 2001 emergency supplemental appropriations available for disaster assistance, anti-terrorism initiatives and recovery assistance from the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. Yes. Passed 422-0. 9/14/01.

350. H.J.Res. 65, to provide continuing FY 2002 appropriations at current levels through October 16 for all federal departments and programs covered by the FY 2002 spending bills not yet enacted. Yes. Passed 392-0. 9/24/01.

405. H.J.Res. 70, to provide continuing appropriations through Nov. 16 for all federal departments and agencies covered by FY 2002 spending bills not yet enacted. Yes. Passed 419-0. 10/25/01.