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Regulation Nation
Posted by Randy | August 09, 2011
The Administration's “Regulatory Czar” made the following statement in an op-ed that ran in Wall Street Journal in May:

“We are taking immediate steps to save individuals, businesses, and state and local governments hundreds of millions of dollars every year in regulatory burdens.”

However, a report released by the Heritage Foundation shows a different picture, highlighting the administration’s regulatory pace:

In the first six months of the 2011 fiscal year, 15 major regulations were issued, with annual costs exceeding $5.8 billion and one-time implementation costs approaching $6.5 billion.  No major rulemaking actions were taken to reduce regulatory burdens during this period.  Overall, the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion.

While the “Regulatory Czar” may talk about the Administration’s desire to reform the federal government’s approach to regulation, their actions state otherwise.  When considering the hundreds of yet unwritten rules under Dodd-Frank and the government takeover of health care, it is no wonder that America’s businesses are reluctant to invest or grow.

It is time we reversed this “regulation nation” trend.

I have cosponsored H.R. 10, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would restore a system of checks and balances to federal regulations and rein in the costly overreach of federal agencies that stifles job creation and hinders economic growth. I believe this legislation and the current environment in Washington offers us the best opportunity we have had in decades to roll back some of these burdensome regulations.
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  • Thomas G commented on 8/10/2011
    It is extemely disappointing congressman Forbes that you pluck this lame old argument out of file 13 yet again on this blog. The last time you did this you used figures to support your contention that were 15 years old! Why you expected nobody to notice that is beyond me, but after pressuring your office for the remainder of the truth a very different story emerges. I would urge you to study the history of the S and L debacle in the 80's. It demonstrates in dramatic fashion how loosening controls leads to outright gambling in the name of profits and the inevitable chaos that results in other industries as well. The last thing I want is for the congress to get in the business of sanctioning the effectiveness of a given regulation. You guys are not qualified to make those judgments. Oversight is one thing, gathering statistics, evaluating business practices, opportunities to do more or less of something, but these decisions belong squarely within the agencies where the real expertise resides. The relentless vague claims of the burdens of regulations mean one thing...a thirst to gamble away the American quality of life and sense of democratic fairness for the sake of reckless pursuit of profit regardless of consequence. It exposes the soul of the republican philosophy...and the track record of conservative gambling away national treasures is simply pathetic over the past century. The American people want things like fire lanes in front of buildings, warnings about prescriptions, safe food, clean water, protection of employee rights and safeguards in the manufacture and distribution of goods and services. I have yet to see you completely outline a single specific regulation that presents both sides of the argument for constituent review. Nobody is saying that some regulations haven't outlived usefulness...but the people on this blog sense a reckless point of view with respect to this, and why wouldn't we given the record...you voted for the Ryan budget which requires an increase in the debt limit and then turn around and vote against raising the debt limt...that is not consistency, it is recklessness, or at the very least flip flopping for the sake of obstructionism...and it is things like this that have exposed in a poll just released today that 70 percent of Americans do not support the reelection of their representative. It's obvious, you are not listening and acting in Washington, and the current congress has been nothing but a job killing machine.,
  • Peggy Townsend commented on 8/14/2011
    One only needs to read these comments to understand why the electorate is suspicious of and disgusted with the Administration's overreach, most members of Congress and the legislation passed during the past several years. Considering the size and scope of the Dodd-Frank bill, Sarbanes-Oxley and the most recent debt ceiling increase/spending reduction bill, Congress pushes every vote to the drop-dead hour and/or the bill is so massive (like Obamacare) that neither the legislators or the public has time to read and understand the ramifications of the legislation. What happened to posting bills online for 72 hrs. for public scrutiny before a vote? Under the Constitution, Congress was empowered to do the will of the people, not the reverse. The whole process is indeed broken!!
  • Stan Bennett commented on 8/14/2011
    Thomas G is obviously not a conservative nor in favor of states rights as outlined in the 10th Amendment. The Federal government has become some obstructive in our daily lives that we are rapidly becoming a nanny state in which the Federal agencies tell us what to do, "1984". The majority of Federal regulations are not necessary or duplicate existing laws already in place in most states. I don't want a government telling me when I have permission to eat or drink, what kind of lightbulb I "may" use, when I can turn my air conditioner on, how many miles per gallon my vehicle must get, what news programs are "approved" and which in their view are bile. I don't need them to tell me what kind of shopping bag I must use, what kind of container to carry my water in, that I must agree that it is OK to murder babies, that it's OK if they take my money to give it to someone else who doesn't work. That the "rich" are greedy, but those who refuse to work are not slothful, that MY Social Security is the Federal governments, not mine. The "job" killing machine is regulations that force a business out of a state or out of the United States. Those 70 percent not supported are majority democrats as well as RINO's and the freshment congressional members who were elected to not raise taxes nor the debt ceiling and did so anyway. Randy, you're doing a fine job, your only one of over four hundred, but at least we can count on you!
  • Gary Metzinger commented on 8/14/2011
    I would estimate that over 50% of the regulations on the books are irrelevant or are not being used/enforced and are just adding to the burden placed on private citizens. If you are a civil servant, regulations are a good thing. Your job is based on them. Cut the Departments, Agencies, and government entities. They do not create wealth and reduce our freedoms/liberties.
  • tote bags tote bags commented on 10/7/2011
    Thank you for your information,it is really meant to me.
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