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McMorris Rodgers Defends House Republicans from "War on Women" Myth

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, defended House Republicans from the liberal myth that the Republican Party has declared a “War on Women,” at today’s Republican Leadership press conference.

Rep. McMorris Rodgers, the highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress, noted that a recent CBS News/New York Times poll found that a majority of American women (53 percent) support the Republican position on the “conscience clause” and that President Obama’s approval rating among women is at an all-time low (41 percent).  “What American women really find scary is the President’s policies,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers.

A transcript of her remarks is below.  To watch the video, click here.

“Over the last few weeks – as the House Republicans have been focusing on the economy and jobs – the Democrats have been trying to change the subject, and they’ve been trying to distract America from the real issues.

“They call it a ‘War on Women.’  And as a woman, I’m here to tell you the Democrats are off-base.  And the polls back us up.  A CBS News poll recently showed that a majority of American women support the Republican position on the ‘conscience clause.’  President Obama’s approval rating is actually at a record low – 41 percent – with women right now.

“And as Americans look deeper at these issues, what they see isn’t Republicans trying to undermine women’s health; what they see is the Democrats trying to scare American women.  And it’s a scare tactic that isn’t going to work.  What American women fear most of all is President Obama’s policies.  They fear his economic policies.  They fear his health care policies.  And they fear the debt he is leaving to our children and our grandchildren.

“Republicans are going to continue to focus on the real issues.  Those are the issues that American women care about.  And those are the issues that Americans care about.”