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Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers' Statement on Boeing Challenge to Tanker Contract Decision

(Washington, D.C.) Today, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers released the following statement on Boeing’s decision to ask the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to review the Air Force’s decision to award the contract to replace the air refueling tankers to a team of Northrop Grumman and European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS):

“Boeing has raised some valid concerns about the decision to award the contract to EADS/Northrop Grumman. A review will help us better evaluate the decision-making process used by the Air Force and make sure it was a fair process.

“Boeing has a 75-year tradition of producing aerial refueling technology here in the U.S. It’s important we encourage such experience and investment to continue so our region and America can remain competitive. We must start by promoting a business-friendly climate which includes low taxes, a less burdensome regulatory environment and a strong supply of well-educated engineers, researchers and machinists.

“It’s also important we replace the aging KC-135 tankers at Fairchild Air Force Base as soon as possible. Strengthening and expanding the role of Fairchild Air Force base is one of my top priorities. Most of the KC-135’s were built in the 1950s and 1960s. Operating aircraft that will be 80 to 90 years old, before they will be retired, is simply unheard of in the civilian commercial industry.”

Destry Henderson