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Animal Welfare

Selected Internet Resources for Science Fairs, Animals in Education and Research, Kids Pages and Animal Careers

November 1999

(Revised June 2007)

AWIC Series No. 99-01

Compiled by:
Dr. Richard L. Crawford
Animal Welfare
Information Center
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, MD 20705

Contact us

Published in cooperation with the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

Table of Contents


This Internet resource guide was developed to provide helpful and informational resources for teachers and students in grades K through 12, undergraduate and graduate levels, in the areas of Science Fairs and Animals in Education and Research. Additionally, sections on Kids Pages and Animal Careers have been included as additional resources and for those interested in animals. This listing is not meant to be comprehensive but is intended to provide a starting point for information on the subjects listed. Many of the sites listed will also lead to additional related web sites. While web sites constantly change and can not be guaranteed, these web sites were all active at the time of publication.

Information on how to request materials that are included in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) may be found on the Collection Services website at Please read carefully as there are certain restrictions on media and document types.

Inclusion of materials in this guide does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Items appearing in this publication do not represent positions or policies of the Department of Agriculture or any agency thereof.


Special thanks to Tim Allen, Mike Kreger, D'Anna Jensen, Jean Larson and Cindy Smith of AWIC and Becky Thompson of ICB for providing assistance and many web site URL's in the development of this publication. Thanks also to Dr. Leslie Nader of the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research for providing a large list of web sites, most of which are included here. Without the help of these persons, and others, this task would have been much more difficult and time consuming.

Dr. Richard L. Crawford
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
National Agricultural Library
Animal Welfare Information Center
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, MD 20705
Tel: 301-504-6212
FAX: 301-504-7125
Contact us


The Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) was established under the 1985 amendments to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to provide information to the research community in regard to: (1) Alternatives to the use of animals in research and testing; (2) Methods to reduce or eliminate pain or distress in research animals; (3) Information pertinent to employee training and (4) Information to prevent unintended duplication of animal experimentation.

In addition to the above requirements, AWIC receives many requests from teachers and children of all age groups, and school classes from kindergarten to high school and college, for information on science fairs, pet animals, animals used in research, testing and teaching, animal rights and animal welfare, animals used in agriculture, animal careers and other related topics. We do not always have pertinent information available on these subjects so we decided to develop a list of selected Internet resources covering these topics. In this way the teachers and students can obtain the desired information from various applicable websites and at the same time become familiar with web surfing and searching for information on the Internet. There is a great deal of information available on the Internet and all teachers and students should become familiar with how to find the information they desire. Most, if not all, of the websites listed here have links to similar or related websites for additional information. We hope this resource guide will be of help in finding information in the areas listed above and will be a start on successful Internet searching.

Science Fairs

Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects.
   Basic ideas for science fair projects.

All Science Fair Projects.
   Projects, instructions, kits, ideas, astronomy to zoology.

A Science Fair Project Resource Guide.
   How to; samples; ideas & magazines, resources from the Internet Public Library.

Best of the Web - Science Fairs.
  It's a helpful resource for researching science fairs on the Internet.

Cyber - Fair.
   For students and teachers grades 3 through 6.

Elmer’s Science Fair Central.
   For students and teachers grades 3 through 6.

Excite Search Engine.
   Education K-12: Home Work Help: Science; Education: Universities & Colleges: Fields of Study Science and Nature; plus listings of science fairs.

Fun Science Gallery.
   How to Find Ideas for Science Fairs, Searching, Presentation.

Internet4Classrooms Science Fair Projects.
   Links K-12, Teachers, online practice modules, anatomy, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics.

Kitchen Scientists - A Guide To Home Science Experiments.
   Links to information on basic science projects.

NASA Headquarters Library: Science Fair Projects.
   Astronomy & rocket science, stellar science projects, bibliography.

Resources for Science Learning.
   Ideas, tips, sample projects from the Franklin Institute.

Science Buddies: Science Fair Project Resources.
   Free science fair project ideas, answers, and tools for serious students.

Science Fairs - WWW Virtual Library.
   A single comprehensive listing of every known science fair accessible through the world wide web, local or global. Physical Science Fairs listed by National/International; State; Regional & Local. Also Virtual Science Fairs.

Science Fairs Home Page.
   The Eastern Newfoundland Science Fairs Council homepage is designed to aid students in getting ideas for a science fair project.

Science Fair Links.
   London District Science and Technology Fair. Links to science fairs in Canada and the UK. Links to help with projects and other science education items.

The Science Fair Page.
   By the Houston Public Library and School District. Information on science fairs.

Science Fair Projects.
   From the Baltimore County Public Library: Preparation, Sources, Ideas.

Science Fair Projects & Experiments.
   Topics, Ideas, Resources, Sample Projects for Elementary, Middle & High School Students.

Science Fair Projects: An Excellent Resource Page.
   Videos, Links, List of Science Fairs on the Web, Projects.

Science Fair Projects, A Resource for Students & Teachers.
   University of Medicine & Dentistry, New Jersey, University Libraries: Resource Guide, Yahoo List, Reference Services.

Science Fair Projects Resources.
   Step by step Guide, Experiments & Ideas for K – College.

Science Fair Theme Page.
   Introductory Level Guide, Links to Internet Sites, Ideas, Resources, Guidelines, Intermediate Level Guide.

Science Reference Services, Library of Congress.
   Science Fair Projects, Elementary to High School Level, Guidance, Planning, Developing, Implementing.

Science Reference Services: Selected Internet Resources – Science Fair Projects.
   From the Library of Congress: Selected Internet Resources for Science Fairs.

Super Science Fair Projects Ideas, Topics & Experiments
   Explore the over 1,000 free science fair projects, ideas, rerouces, topic, experiments and abstracts. Teacher lesson plans. Parents guide.

The Ultimate Science Fair Resource.
   Site index of hints, ideas, links, doing a project, writing reports, etc.

Yahoo Search Engine Science Fair Projects & Ideas
   Web Directory Site Listing K-12, Projects to Download, .

Top / Science Fairs / Animals in Education and Research / Kids Pages / Animal Careers

Animals in Education & Research

Access Excellence.
   A place in cyber space for biology teaching & learning. Information for teachers in various areas of biology, collaborative section, teaching communities and more.

All You Can Eat.
   Instant information on pesticides and other toxic chemicals in your food.

Alternative Loan Programs.
     The following organizations loan alternatives to animal dissection and live animal experimentation.

         The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS):

         The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS):
         The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS):

         Ethical Science Education Coalition (ESEC):

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS):
   Science Linkages to the Community, Kids sites, Education and Human Resources programs, Science and Policy programs, Links around the world, Project 2061 - an education program for K-12 grades for science literacy, Science News and Information and more.

American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS):
   Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about animal research, Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Ethics page, Kids Page and more.

American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) - Minnesota Chapter:
   Frequently asked questions (FAQ's); Care of Classroom Pets; Links to Animal sites; Educational Information for K-4th grades, 5th-8th grades and general education materials.

American Dairy Goat Association:
   Provides fact sheets and brochures related to goat care and production including husbandry, milk production, health, hoof trimming and more.

American Dairy Science Association:
   To stimulate the discovery, application and dissemination of knowledge. Includes links to university dairy related web sites, breed associations and databases.

Americans for Medical Progress Educational Foundation (AMPEF).
   Student center with downloadable information, animal rights information, articles on benefits of research and more.

American Rabbit Breeders Association.
   Dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the rabbit and cavy industry. Offers books for sale on rabbit husbandry, show standards and more. Hot links, publications and FAQ's (frequently asked questions).

American Physiological Society (APS). (Animals) (Education)
   Policy statement about animals in research; Information about APS educational materials, resources and programs for K-12, undergraduate and graduate students.

American Society of Primatologists (ASP).
   An educational and scientific organization to promote and encourage the discovery and exchange of information regarding primates. Includes anatomy, behavior, development, ecology, evolution, genetics, nutrition, physiology, conservation, husbandry and more.

Animal Behavior Society.
   Useful resources for animal behavior education, career development, laboratory exercises, Animal Cams, news and more.

Animal Health, Well-Being & Rights.
   From the www.vitual library. Has 4 subsections - General, Specialized per type of animal, Miscellaneous documents and Images & related subjects.

Animal Industry Foundation (AIF).
   Educates consumers about U.S. animal agriculture and its contributions to the quality of life. Information on programs sponsored by AIF.

Animal Network.
   Information on pet animals, dog, cat, fish, reptiles, ferrets, rabbits & guinea pigs for pet owners.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal Care (USDA).
   Information on the Animal Welfare Act, regulations, policies, lost pets and more.

Animals in Pre-College Education.
   Information about ILAR, lots of information on laboratory animals and many links.

Animal Rights Net.
   The site debunks many Animal Rights claims and states that Animal Rights advocates regularly mislead the public. Also has links to other individuals and groups challenging animal rights activists.

Animal Rights Resource Site.
   Links to many animal rights sites and animal rights information.

Animal Use in Veterinary Medical Education.
   Animal use in veterinary medical education and research, Ethical considerations and Regulation of animal care and use.

Animal Welfare Information Center, USDA, NAL.
   Information on animals used in research, publications and newsletter.

Animal Welfare Institute (AWI).
   Concerns are humane treatment of laboratory animals, a ban on steel jaw leghold traps, preservation of threatened species, reform of the treatment of farm animals and more.

Applied Ethology Home Page.
   Dedicated to the study of animal behavior. Resources for students and scientists.

Ark Animal Tracks.
   A very interesting on-line magazine dedicated to the topics of exotic and captive wildlife. Topics range from behavior, training, enrichment & related issues such as conservation, education and research that effects animals.

ARS Science 4 Kids.
   From the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) aimed at kids ages 8-13 with an interest in science.

   A database of high-quality "AskA" services designed to link students, teachers, parents and other K-12 community members with experts on the Internet.

Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights (AVAR).
   Information on animal rights.

Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA).
   Conservation and education department includes resources for members.

Audubon Online.
   From the National Audubon Society. Sections on Birds & Science, Kids & Education, Conservation & Action and more.

The Australian Koala Foundation.
   Lots of information on Koalas: All About Koalas, Science & Koalas, Photo Gallery, Koala Links, Education Resources, Kids Fun Page and more.

Breeds of Livestock.
   Photos and information of many breeds of livestock and poultry in the world. Origin, location, by region, other species and links.

   Presented by the Ornithological Council. Links to ten North American professional ornithological societies, publications, meetings, membership, etc.

Birmingham Zoo Website.
   A multifaceted resource & reference source for animal information. Has site links to more than 3,000 animal species, plus lots of other information and links. Visit the animals, animal movies, animal omnibus-a list of web resources indexed by animal names, cool animal web pages and more.

California Biomedical Research Association (CBRA).
   Educational programs for students and teachers in grades K-12, science forum information as well as information for the public. Curriculum materials available on the site.

Canadian Network of Toxicology.
   Educational information on toxicology and the environment, links and more.

Canterbury Environmental Education Center: Pond Explorer.
   A virtual investigation of smaller animals that live in ponds. Designed for younger pupils.

Chemicals & Human Health.
   A web site on chemicals and human health. The site is designed to help high school students and teachers learn the basic principles of toxicology and scientific research, and to provide real-world applications of textbook concepts.

   From the Boston University School of Medicine. Learning lab for students and teachers, club, camp, science fair projects and links.

Connecticut United for Research (CURE).
   To promote public understanding of biomedical research. The information is oriented for students and teachers.

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.
   Lots of information on birds. Bird of the week, bird source, bird identification, distribution, nestbox network, bird sounds and more.

DHHS Kids Links.
   Department of Human Health Services page for kids. The information is for teachers, parents and links for kids. - Kids page.

Digital Frog International.
   Biology and ecology software for education. A full interactive frog dissection including all major body systems.

Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology.
   Multimedia science education project. Includes the Microbe Zoo and Microbe of the Week.

The DNA Files.
   A series of nine 1-hour programs on biotechnology and genetic revolution. Also has excellent links to other genetics sites and a bibliography.

Dr. Koop's Community.
   A web site produced under the guidance of the former US Surgeon General. In depth coverage of over 50 health and wellness topics, interactive forums and chat areas, an online pharmacy, a vast online drug encyclopedia/knowledge base and health news.

Education - Animals/Insects.
   Biological information, pictures, primate gallery, Butterflies of North America, Zoom sharks, whale net, The Bear Den, Insects, and more.

Education World.
   Information on education, resources, animals and more.
   Lesson planning: Animals of the World. An Internet Scavenger Hunt.

The Electronic Zoo. - animal resources. - general.
   A directory of all kinds of animals, veterinary information and about anything else you might want. Links to information about animal species, veterinary medicine and humane care and use of animals.

The Elephants of Cameroon, Saving Africa's Gentle Giants.
   From the North Carolina Zoo in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the Chatham County (NC) school system. The site allows middle school teachers to guide their students in an interactive project with scientists traveling in Cameroon's national parks. Provides areas for students and teachers to learn about the project, meet the elephant-tracking team, participate in lessons and activities correlated with the tracking and also contribute their own ideas on several inquiry questions and elephant activities.

Encyclopedia Britannica
   The complete Encyclopedia Britanica on line. Has 44 million words, 33 volumes. The best encyclopedia now available and it is free. A valuable resource.

The Endangered Animals of the World.
   A learning project hosted by sites in the USA and Netherlands. Lots of information on endangered animals.

Environmental Diseases from A to Z.
   Basic information on environmental diseases written for middle and high school students. Teacher support K-12, kids page.

Exotic Animals: Care & Conservation Resource Site.
   Lots of information on exotic animals and links. Educational resources, training-operant conditioning and more.

The Exploratorium.
   A hands-on museum of science, art, and human perception. Provides interactive online exhibits and exhibitions activities, science news and publications.

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB).
   The Biologists Discover AMAZing Things page has color photographs of animals that contribute to medical research and images of magnified specimens of human tissues. Also links to Breakthroughs in Bioscience articles explaining how important discoveries are rooted is basic research.

Foundation for Biomedical Research.
   NABR home page with links to related organizations, womens health, questions and facts on research, FAQ's about animals in research, educational materials and links.

4-H Horse References.
   Reference materials on horses available for a moderate cost or free.

Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Research (FRAME).
   From the United Kingdom. Provides information on alternatives to animal use in research, aims, activities, history, publications and the latest news.

   Lots of information and links on frogs for grades K-12.

Genes and Disease.
   A good overview of the relationship between genetics and various diseases.

Guide to Animal Sounds on the Net.
   A large index of birds and animals with names linked to the sounds. In English and other languages. Birds, mammals, frogs, toads, crocodiles, lizards and snakes, fish, insects, and links to other sites and pages.

The Heart: An Online Exploration.
   Resource materials and good information on the heart.

Horseshoe Crab Information.
   General educational information on horseshoe crabs and information on their use in research.

House Rabbit Society Home Page & Rabbit Care Guide.
   Lots of information on rabbits.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
   The visible human heart. For young scientists and those becoming a scientist. Cool science for curious kids, science as a second language, virtual laboratory, and more.

The Human Body: An Online Tour.
   A tour of the human body that includes sites for all ages plus lots of information about the body. Also a site called "Out in Space" that deals with the planets in our Solar system for 8-12 year olds.

Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
   Information on the use of animals in research, testing and education; animal use in education; animals in product testing; pain and distress; recommended reading, and more. Has a loan program to provide educators and students with up-to-date alternatives to classroom dissection and live animal experimentation covering a large number of small animals and the human. For more information e-mail:

IACUC Training & Learning Consortium Task Force (IACUC-TLC).
   A resource for Institutional Animal Care & Use Committees (IACUC) members and staff. A link archive where online resources are organized in groups under menus and submenus, plus a kids question section for animal and biological science questions.

Indianapolis Zoo.
   One of the most comprehensive zoo websites in the world. Includes both educational and entertaining features as well as interactive functions. "Web wonders" include elephant cams, interactive life research data for the whole family and digital tours of the zoo grounds. The site features a 360 degree moving photographic tour of the Forest Biome and visitors can access the animal database which includes photos and relevant information for most of the animal collection.

Institute for Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR).
   Information on the use of animals in research.

Instructional Materials for Agriculture: Animal Husbandry.
   Information on animal husbandry, crop science, farm management and more.

Interactive Frog Dissection.
   A step- by- step dissection of a preserved frog for high school biology class rooms.

Interagency Coordinating Committee for the Evaluation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM).
   To coordinate and promote the development, validation and acceptance of alternative toxicological test methods in the U.S. Federal Government.

Kangaroo Conservation Center.
   Information on various species of kangaroos and conservation.

Kids Health Homepage.
   From the Nemours Foundation. Information for parents, teens and younger kids.

Kids Web: Biology & Life Sciences.
   Lots of information on biology and life sciences for kids.

Little Scientists Products & Services.
   The Little Scientists curriculum: Enrichment Classes; In-School field Trips; Classroom Modules and Learn-at-Home Kits.

Massachusetts Society for Medical Research (MSMR).
   News room, learning center, information on animals in research, science beat and research library.

Michigan Society for Medical Research (MISMR).
   Enrichment program for elementary students (Human & Animals) & High School students (Biomedical Science: Exploring the Issues). Also sponsors a speaker's bureau and an essay contest for middle and high school students. Educational material can be ordered from the site.

Mid-Continent Association for Agriculture, Biomedical Research & Education (MAABRE). (Home page) (Teachers and students page) (Do's and Don'ts)
   Do's and Don'ts of Using Animals in the Classroom plus many practical recommendations about choosing & caring for animals in the classroom. Related sites & information for teachers and students.

Mining Company Guide to Biology.
   Provides links to a variety of biology resources on the Internet; animal behavior sites and educational information for grades K-5, 6-8 & 9-12.

Molecular Biology Program.
   Biological database and course materials. Internet tools for K-12 teachers: Teaching Genetics Using The Dog Genome Database. Web tools for teaching genetics; Bioethics and much more.

Monterey Bay Aquarium, E-QUARIUM.
   Kids E-Q with Mysteries of the Deep and Splash Zone, Careers, E-Q Kids Guide to the ocean habitat and creatures, Aquarium Kids' Guide to the ocean and its animals, teachers E-Q, and much more. An excellent site.

National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA).
   The NASA website. Lots of interesting information on space shots and research.

       NASA Human Space Flight.

       NASA Education Program.

       NASA Outreach Program.
          Information for high school, undergraduate, graduate & teachers.

National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA).
   To promote a more abundant life for people of this planet through a wise and compassionate human relationship with animals and the environment. Book store, links, animal rights information, articles and reports and more.

National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT). (Position Statement) (Comnercial Resource Links)
   Position statement on The Use of Animals in Biology Education is available on site, plus links to online resources for biology educators.

The National Association for Humane & Environmental Education (NAHEE).
  The Youth Division of the Humane Society of the United States. Kind News Online, Teacher Resources, Kids Page, Teen Scene and more.

National Atlas of the United States.
   From the US Geological Survey. Designed to promote greater geographic awareness. Designed to serve the interests and needs of a diverse populace in many ways. Designed to stimulate children and adults. Click on Atlas Maps, Atlas Partners, Atlas News, Atlas FAQ and more. An interesting site that provides a comprehensive, map-like view of a wealth of data collected by the US government. Information on birds, cities, streams and water and more.

National Institute for Animal Agriculture.
   Produces educational videos and pamphlets on animal care, behavior, handling, transportation, and diseases. Videos and pamphlets may be ordered directly from LCI. Links to related sites and technical index links.

National Pork Producers Council.
   Swine Care Handbook covers husbandry systems, management practices, environmental management, facilities and equipment, feeding and nutrition, and herd health management. Also a Food Fun for Kids site.

National Science Resources Center.
   Science and Technology for children, resources for teachers, educational resources and lots of science and technology information.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).
  Position Statement: Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom

Natural History Museum, London.
   Lots of interesting stuff. Discovering science, the galleries, picture library and more.

NetVet & Electronic Zoo.
   Lots of information on all kinds of animals and links to many other animal and veterinary sites. Interesting and informative.

Neuroscience for Kids.
   For students and teachers to learn about the nervous system. Teaching resources, kids page and more.

NIEH Kids Links & Resources (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences).
   Links, resources, science, fun and games.

North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research (NCABR).
   Information for students and teachers and more.

Norwegian Reference Center for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives.
   Lots of information and links for laboratory animals.

Ohio Agricultural Education WWW Server.
   This server provides ordering and pricing information for Learning Laboratory Kits, interactive CD's, books, videos, and brochures. Subject coverage includes quality assurance, animal care, and handling of beef, dairy, swine, goats, sheep, rabbits and dogs. Teaching materials for FFA projects are also listed.

Ohio Scientific Education & Research Association (OSERA).
   Offers educational resources for students, teachers and the community including curriculum materials and arranging tours of affiliated research facilities. Discounts on educational materials available for Ohio teachers and health care professionals. OSERA Kids has K-12 educational resources and a speakers bureau.

Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research (PSBR).
   Educational materials about animals in science and research, frequently asked questions (FAQ's), disease fact sheets and consumer product safety. Links to other animal research sites.

Poultry Science Association.
   A professional organization consisting of educators, extension specialists, administrators and producers committed to advancing the poultry industry.

The Primate Care Site.
   This web site is about monkeys and how they should be kept. It is not intended to encourage the use of primates as pets but to help understand the needs of primates kept in captivity. Information on the more commonly kept primates.

Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research (PRIM&R).
   Home page for PRIM&R. Conferences, publications, useful links on animal research, human subject research, research conduct and ethics.

Recommendations for the Care of Amphibians & Reptiles in Academic Institutions.
   Lots of information on the care of amphibians and reptiles.

Sea World - Busch Gardens.
   An interesting, educational and fun site with links to all four Sea Worlds and Busch Gardens.

Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW).
   A nonprofit educational association to promote the humane use, care and management of animals used in research, testing or education. Publications and links.

Science Tracer Bullets.
   From the Library of Congress. An informal guide to help students locate published materials on subjects in the field of science and technology.

Smithsonian Web Page for Scientific & Common Names of Mammals.
   Scientific and common names (taxonomy) for mammal species of the world.

Smithsonian Institution.
   A wealth of information and topics from Aeronautics and Astronomy to Zoology.

Sniffy the Virtual Rat.
   Software for Windows and Macintosh. Explores principles of shaping and operant conditioning. Performs up to 15 behaviors.

Talk of the Nation Science Friday.
   Science sites, links, kids connection and more.

Teaching Materials in Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives.
   A Norwegian reference center with links to various sources containing teaching texts on a number of subjects in laboratory animal science.

Dr. Temple Grandin's Web Page.
   Full text, abstracts, reviews, and general information based on or related to the work of applied ethologist/animal behaviorist Dr. Temple Grandin. Topics include livestock behavior, design of stockyards and restraining systems, humane and ritual slaughter, stress and meat quality, current research, animal welfare/rights, and recommended books.

Texas Society for Biomedical Research (TSBR).
   Medical and educational information and links to more.

Toxicology Education Foundation.
   From the Society of Toxicology. Information on toxicology, resources on animals in research, media resource specialists.

United Federation of Teachers Humane Education Committee.
   For secondary schools. Alternatives to dissection, animals raised on farms, award winning student projects and more.

University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology.
   Online exhibits, education and public outreach and more.

The Vaccine Page.
   Annotated searchable directory of Internet resources relating to vaccination. Includes separate sections for adults, parents, practitioners and researchers. Also a directory of vaccine sites by country, and a what's new page.

Virtual Hospital.
   Hospital, disease and health information and links with information on specific conditions. For adults, kids and patients. From University of Iowa Health Care.

Virtual Dissections.

    Cat Dissections Online
    Clam Dissection
    Cow's Eye Dissection
    Crayfish Dissection
    Dissecting the Earthworm
    Frog Nervous System
    Interactive Frog Dissection Tutorial
    Pig Heart Dissection
    Rat Dissection Guide/Photos
    Sheep Brain Dissection: The Anatomy of Memory
    Squid Dissection
    Starfish Dissection Tutorial
    Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
    Virtual Mouse Necropsy
    Virtual Pig Dissection

  Stanfords Virtual Creatures (Frog Island)

  Sheep Brain Dissection Guide

  Human Anatomy

    Body Quest
    Visible Human Project
    Digital Anatomist Project
    The Virtual Body

Virtual Tour of a Laboratory Animal Unit.
   A tour of an animal facility at the Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine.

The Visible Human Project.
Scans through the male and female bodies and has interactive knee and virtual colonoscopy images.

Waikiki Aquarium.
   An interesting site with a virtual tour, education and research, hot links, and an interactive small-scale research project on tropical pacific corals. Go to the bottom of the screen and click on "Corals are Alive". "Coral Cam" focuses on predators common on Indo-Pacific reefs. These are only visible during Hawaii daylight hours.

Waltham World of Pet Care.
   Pet care and nutrition information for dogs, cats, fish and birds.

Whales and Dolphins.
   General information on whales and dolphins.

Wildlife Conservation Society.
   Science, education, kids page, zoos and aquariums, in the wild, photo gallery, news and magazine. Information on wildlife.

Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research & Education (WABRE).
   Educational material for teachers K-12 on animals, research and health.

Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center (WRPRC).
   Information on nonhuman primates, teaching resources, fact sheets and more.

WWW Virtual Library.
   A consortium of subject-specific directories scattered over the web.

Yahoo! Science.
   A multitude of topics and information for students and teachers.

Zoo Net Image Archives.
   Lots of images of various zoo animals.

Top / Science Fairs / Animals in Education and Research / Kids Pages / Animal Careers

Kids Pages

American Animal Hospital Association
   Find an animal hospital by state, information about pets, newsletter, coloring page, recommended reading and frequently asked questions (FAQ's).

American Museum of Natural History Endangered: Exploring a World at Risk
   Information about endangered animals and habitats in the world. Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
   Pet care. Information about the care of various pets. Dog, cat, guinea pig, rabbit, hamster, gerbil, health care, travel and links to other sites.

American Veterinary Medical Association - Kids Corner.
   Activities for kids, information about veterinarians and pets, safety tips for kids.

The Animals 2.0. Featuring the San Diego Zoo and Animals in the Wild.
   Educational software available from Mindscape, Inc. Information and photos of zoo and wild animals.

Ask Jeeves for Kids.
   Ask Jeeves questions. Student resources: pre-school and K; Elementary grades; Middle and High school. Teachers resources. Cool sites.

Breeds of Livestock.
   From the Oklahoma State university, Department of Animal Science. Definition of "breed" and links to breeds of livestock, poultry and other species.

Digital Dog.
   Information on dogs, dog stories, chat room.

Farm Safety Just 4 kids.
   Games, picture books, safety tips for kids.

   Teachers corner, FAQ's, weird facts and more frog information.

Guide to Animal Sounds on the Net.
   As it says! Sounds of birds, mammals, frogs, fish, snakes, insects, etc.

   The home page for horse lovers.

House Rabbit Society.
   Rescues rabbits and educates the public, care, behavior, links and more.

How to Love Your Dog.
   Information for kids only about feeding and care of your family dog.

Just for Kids.
   Information, photos and stories for kids about rabbits. From the House Rabbit Society.

Kids Corner.
   Part of the Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) Program by USDA. Information on animals, food, virtual field trips, science, teacher resources, etc.

Kids Farm.
   Shows what happens on real farms and ranches with a focus on animals and people of the Red Bluff Ranch in Colorado.

Kratts Creatures.
   From the program on PBS. Creature World, Creature Crazy, Creature of the Week, episode guide and more.

Mexican Gray Wolf Web Site for Kids by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
   Part of the Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Program Site.

National Agricultural Library (NAL) - Kids & Teens.
  Links to argicultural resources for kids and teen .

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Kids & Teachers Corner.
   As it says. Information about the ocean, fish and marine mammals.

Turtle Trax Home Page.
   Information on Sea Turtles.
   Kidz Korner-Sea Turtles for kids.

USDA for Kids.!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?navid=YOUTH_RESOURCES
   Lots of good pages, sites and links for kids.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife.
   Kids Information Central/Junior Fish & Wildlife Biologists. Information on wild animals, teachers page and information and more.

Whale Times.
   Ask Jake the Sea Dog: Kids page, Ask questions about whales, fish, sharks, penguins and other ocean animals. Lots of information on ocean animals, scientific names, etc., from Whaletimes library.

World Wide Web Virtual Library.
   Lots of information on animals, animal rights and links to other sites.

Yahooligans Animal Directory.
   Lots of information on animals, kids almanac, worlds of wonder and links.

The Yuckiest Site on the Internet.
   An excellent kids site. Includes: Club Yucky, Gross & Cool Body, Worm World, Yucky Games, Web Surfers, Bug World and more.

Top / Science Fairs / Animals in Education and Research / Kids Pages / Animal Careers

Animal Careers

Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

   Zoo and Aquarium Career Opportunities.
   Good information on what is required to work in the zoo and aquarium fields.

Career Awareness.
   List of some jobs (careers) working with animals.

Careers in Animal Ecology.
   Animal careers in ecology and links to others.

Careers With Animals.
   List of fields with animal careers and links to some.

Careers Working With Exotic Animals.
   Good information on how to get started, training facilities/schools, internship opportunities.

Career Opportunities for Animal Science Majors.
   From the University of Wisconsin-Majors in Animal Science. Mostly agricultural.

Career Opportunities in Veterinary Medicine.
   Information on career opportunities in veterinary medicine.

Careers in Veterinary Medicine.
   Information on careers in veterinary medicine.

NetVet Veterinary Career Resources.
   Lots of information on veterinary careers.
   Education super site. Education resources and information.

Unusual Careers With Animals.
   Consists of 9 parts with lots of information on animal careers.

Why a Career in Animal Science?
   Information on the importance of agriculture and its animals.

Zookeeping as a Career.
   Information on becoming a zookeeper.

Return to: Top / Science Fairs / Animals in Education and Research / Kids Pages / Animal Careers

National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:

Crawford, Richard L.
  Selected internet resources for science fairs, animals in education and research, kids pages and animal careers.
  (AWIC resource series ; no. 99-01)
  1. Animals--Study and teaching--Computer network resources. 2. Laboratory animals--Computer network resources. 3. Children--Study and teaching--Activity programs--Computer network resources. 4. Animal specialists--Vocational guidance--Computer network resources. 5. Science--Exhibitions--Computer network resources.
I. Animal Welfare Information Center (U.S.) II. Title.
aHV4701.A94 no.99-01

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Updated October 25, 2011