Stopping the Job-Killing Spending Binge: Congress Slashes $35M from Budget

Stopping Washington’s job-killing spending binge started right here in Congress this week.  The House of Representatives cut its budget by $35 million (the first of many spending cuts to come), fulfilling Republicans’ Pledge to America to “make Congress do more with less by significantly reducing its budget.” Politifact calls it a “promise kept”:

"By an overwhelming 410-13 vote, House members approved a binding resolution that would cut the operating budget of member and committee offices by 5 percent, or about $35 million annually. ...

"The 5 percent cut will be effective immediately, and when the new appropriations bill to fund the legislative branch going forward is passed later this year, the 5 percent cut will be written into the bill. The most recent spending bill provided $660 million for fiscal year 2010, and the appropriations this year have been based on that number. …

“[W]e rate it a Promise Kept.”

Speaker Boehner said this budget cut, the new reforms designed to make spending cuts easier, “and the additional operational savings forthcoming, will help us meet our goal of cutting government spending back to pre-‘stimulus,’ pre-bailout levels.” 

Less spending, more jobs – this is the mantra by which the new Republican-led Congress will operate in the months ahead.