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Financial Services, Business, Labor and General Government

  • 5. H.R. 3892, to designate a post office in Roper, North Carolina, as the “E.V. Wilkins Post Office.” Yes. Passed 356-1, under suspension of rules. 1/13/10.
  • 24. H.R. 4508, to extend Small Business Administration programs until April 30. Yes. Passed 410-4, under suspension of rules. 1/27/10.
  • 26. H.R. 4495, to designate a post office in Patagonia, Arizona, as the “Jim Kolbe Post Office.” Yes. Passed 390-0, under suspension of rules. 2/2/10.
  • 49. H.R. 4425, to designate a post office in North Troy, New York, as the “Martin G. ‘Marty’ Mahar Post Office.” Yes. Passed 330-0, under suspension of rules. 2/22/10.
  • 50. H.R. 4238, to designate a post office in Greeley, Colorado, as the “W.D. Farr Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 331-0, under suspension of rules. 2/22/10.
  • 97. H.R. 4621, to require mail marked with “census” to include the name and address of the sender and require non-government mail marked with “census” to provide a disclaimer that the mail is not from or affiliated with the federal government. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 3/10/10.
  • 116. H.R. 4628, to designate a post office in Westwood, New Jersey, as the “Sergeant Christopher R. Hrbek Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 3/16/10.
  • 126. H.R. 946, Plain Language in Government Communications to require the federal government to use plain language in all communications that explain how to comply with federal requirements or obtain government benefits or services. Yes. Passed 386-33, under suspension of rules. 3/17/10.
  • 128. H.R. 4214, to designate a post office in Palm Desert, California, as the “Roy Wilson Post Office.” Yes. Passed 419-0, under suspension of rules. 3/18/10.
  • 155. H.R. 4840, to designate a post office in Columbus, Ohio, as the “Clarence D. Lumpkin Post Office.” Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 3/21/10.
  • 181. H.R. 4849, Small Business and Infrastructure Jobs Tax Act. Motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Commission with instructions to report it back immediately with an amendment providing tax incentives for small businesses and repealing certain provisions of the health care overhaul law that cap the amount that can be deposited in flexible spending accounts. Yes. Failed 184-239. 3/24/10.
  • 182. H.R. 4849. On passage of the bill providing $16.8 billion in tax incentives for state and local governments and small businesses, including $13.2 billion for bond programs for state and local governments for infrastructure, and extending the Build America Bonds program, and offset the cost through tax provisions, including placing new limits on foreign-owned companies’ abilities to use protections in U.S. tax treaties to move money to countries. No. Passed 246-178. 3/24/10.
  • 183. H.R. 4098, to require the Office of Management and Budget to issue guidelines for federal employees and contractors on the use of peer-to-peer file-sharing programs. Yes. Passed 408-13, under suspension of rules. 3/24/10.
  • 192. H.R. 4360, to designate a Veterans Affairs Department building in Long Beach, California, as the “Maj. Charles R. Soltes Jr., O.D. Department of Veterans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Center.” Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 3/25/10.
  • 211. H.R. 4851, to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill extending for two months federal unemployment benefits, flood insurance programs, increased payment rates to Medicare providers and COBRA health care premium assistance; providing for payment to certain previously furloughed transportation workers, and extending for one month certain satellite TV laws and small-business lending programs. No. Passed 289-112. 4/15/10.
  • 221. H.R. 4543, to designate a post office in San Jose, California, as the “Anthony J. Cortese Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 370-0, under suspension of rules. 4/26/10.
  • 223. H.R. 4861, to designate a post office in Chicago as the “Steve Goodman Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 371-0, under suspension of rules. 4/26/10.
  • 251. H.R. 1722, Telework Improvements Act to require the heads of each federal executive agency to establish and implement a policy that would authorize employees to telework as much as possible without diminishing agency operations or performance and require the agency heads to provide training for telework employees and designate a telework managing officer. Yes. Failed 268-147, under suspension of rules. 5/6/10. [Note: 2/3s vote required.]
  • 280. H.R. 5099, to designate a post office in Sharon, Massachusetts, as the “Michael C. Rothberg Post Office.” Yes. Passed 410-1, under suspension of rules. 5/19/10.
  • 290. H.R. 5128, to designate the Department of the Interior building located at 1849 C St. NW in Washington, D.C., as the “Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building.” Yes. Passed 409-1, under suspension of rules. 5/20/10.
  • 343. H.R. 4173. Motion to instruct House conferees to disagree to provisions in the House bill regarding the dissolution of large financial firms, disagree to Senate provisions related to the commencement of orderly liquidation and the appointment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver for failing financial companies, as well as provisions related to FDIC powers and duties as receiver, and withhold approval of the final conference agreement unless it has been available to the managers for at least 72 hours. Yes. Failed 198-217. 6/9/10.
  • 345. H.R. 5278, to designate a post office in Dixon, Illinois, as the “President Ronald W. Reagan Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 6/9/10.
    346. H.R. 5133, to designate a post office in Carlstadt, New Jersey, as the “Staff Sgt. Frank T. Carvill and Lance Cpl. Michael A. Schwarz Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 409-0, under suspension of rules. 6/9/10.
  • 347. H.R. 5072, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) reform. Amendment to make various technical corrections and modifications to the Government Accountability Office report called for in the bill, allow the Department of Housing and Urban Development to increase loan limits for micropolitan counties surrounded by higher cost areas and experiencing significant growth, and address documentation standards for Federal Housing Administration-insured loans. Yes. Passed 417-3. 6/10/10.
  • 348. H.R. 5072. Amendment to increase the FHA loan minimum down payment requirement from 3.5 percent to 5 percent and prohibit closing costs from being financed through FHA-insured loans. Yes. Failed 131-289. 6/10/10.
  • 349. H.R. 5072. Amendment to cap the number of mortgages the FHA can insure to 10 percent of total loans originated in each year, starting in 2012, and provide that within 90 days of enactment, FHA would have to submit a plan to Congress to decrease FHA market share to 10 percent of loans originated each year. No. Failed 106-316. 6/10/10.
  • 350. H.R. 5072. Amendment to repeal the emergency authority that allows the FHA to insure loans up to $720,000 in certain high-cost areas and to create a maximum FHA-insured loan limit of $500,000 for a single-family unit and a percentage of the same ratio for two-, three- or four-family residences. No. Failed 121-301. 6/10/10.
  • 351. H.R. 5072. Amendment to require individuals to certify that they have not been convicted of a sex offense against a minor in order to obtain a FHA-insured mortgage. Yes. Passed 420-4. 6/10/10.
  • 352. H.R. 5072. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds authorized in the bill to pay the salary of any FHA employee who has been disciplined for viewing, downloading or exchanging pornography on a federal computer or while performing official job duties. Yes. Passed 416-0. 6/10/10.
  • 353. H.R. 5072. On passage of the bill to improve the financial safety and soundness of the FHA mortgage insurance program, allowing the FHA to adjust the premium structure for mortgage insurance, authorizing the FHA to increase the maximum allowable annual mortgage insurance premium on the mortgages it approves by 1 percentage point, and permitting the FHA to reimburse loan servicing firms for the costs of conducting counseling with households that are more than 60 days past due on loan payments. Yes. Passed 406-4. 6/10/10.
  • 357. H.R. 5502, to extend the effective date of disclosure requirements from August 22, 2010, to January 31, 2011, for gift cards produced prior to April 1, 2010, and provide that to qualify for the extension, issuers of gift cards would be required to eliminate the expiration date on those cards, if applicable, or issue consumers free replacement cards. Yes. Passed 357-0, under suspension of rules. 6/14/10.
  • 360. H.R. 4855, to establish an annual award under the Labor Department to recognize employers with policies that promote life-work balance. No. Failed 249-163, under suspension of rules. 6/15/10. [Note: 2/3s vote required.]
  • 371. H.R. 5297, small business lending. Amendment to add veteran- and women-owned businesses to the groups that would receive outreach under the new fund established by the bill, and require that they be included in the study on lending assistance called for in the bill. Yes. Passed 420-0. 6/17/10.
  • 372. H.R. 5297. Amendment to provide funding to eligible institutions that serve small businesses affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Yes. Passed 414-0. 6/17/10.
  • 373. H.R. 5297. Amendment to expand the definition of “small business lending” to include loans to small businesses acquiring or constructing industrial, commercial, residential and farm buildings. Yes. Passed 418-3. 6/17/10.
  • 374. H.R. 5297. Motion to recommit the bill to the House Financial Services Committee with instructions to report it back immediately with language placing the inspector general for the Trouble Asset Relief Program in charge of oversight of the lending fund established by the bill and adding language certifying that each decision to provide loans to banks is based on merit. Yes. Failed 180-237. 6/17/10.
  • 375. H.R. 5297. On passage of the bill to create a lending fund through which the Treasury Department could make up to $30 billion in investments to encourage certain financial institutions to make credit available for small businesses, and create a $2 billion state small-business credit initiative to assist state and municipal programs that provide small businesses access to capital and a $1 billion Small Business Administration program to provide financing to “early stage” small businesses. No. Passed 241-182. 6/17/10.
  • 379. H.R. 5551, to require the Treasury Department to certify under oath before making a purchase under the Small Business Lending Fund Program that the purchase and decision process has been designed so that purchases are based solely on economic fundamentals and not political considerations. Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 6/23/10.
  • 383. H.R. 3993, to require prepaid calling card providers and distributors to disclose additional information to consumers, including fee information, refund policies and the number of domestic and international preferred minutes available and authorize the Federal Trade Commission to enforce the new rules. Yes. Passed 381-41, under suspension of rules. 6/23/10.
  • 398. H.R. 5618, to extend through November 30, 2010, and make retroactive to June 2, eligibility for unemployment insurance for laid-off workers and 100 percent federal funding for extended jobless benefits and provide that states could not reduce their regular unemployment compensation programs below June 2 levels to be eligible for the funding. No. Failed 261-155, under suspension of rules. 6/29/10. [Note: 2/3s vote required.]
  • 403. H.R. 5395, to designate a postal building in Maitland, Florida, as the “Paula Hawkins Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 409-0, under suspension of rules. 6/30/10.
  • 405. H.R. 4307, to designate the Veterans Affairs Department outpatient clinic in Artesia, New Mexico, as the “Alejandro Renteria Ruiz Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic.” Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 6/30/10.
  • 412. H.R. 4173, financial regulatory reform. Motion to recommit the bill to the conference committee with instructions to disagree to language in the conference report giving the Government Accountability Office (GAO) authority to conduct a one-time audit of all the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending activities during the financial crisis and direct conferees to insist on House language to give the GAO other expanded audit authority over the Federal Reserve, including the ability to monitor some of its most sensitive monetary policy deliberations, and also insist on Senate language to expand the exemption for commercial businesses using financial derivatives to hedge their business risks from the margin requirements in the bill. Yes. Failed 198-229. 6/30/10.
  • 413. H.R. 4173. To agree to the conference report on the bill to reform and regulate the financial services industry. No. Passed 237-192. 6/30/10.
  • 423. H.R. 5618, to extend through November 30, 2010, and make retroactive to June 2, eligibility for unemployment insurance for laid-off workers and 100 percent federal funding for extended jobless benefits and provide that states could not reduce their regular unemployment compensation programs below June 2 levels to be eligible for the funding. No. Passed 270-153. 7/1/10.
  • 440. H.R. 1722, Telework Improvements Act. Motion to recommit the bill to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee with instructions to report it back immediately with an amendment requiring agency heads to certify to the Office of Personnel Management that a telework program will result in agency savings, and prohibit certain employees from participating in telework programs, including those who have taken more than five unexcused absences or are seriously delinquent in tax debt. Yes. Passed 303-119. 7/14/10.
  • 441. H.R. 1722. On passage of the bill to require the head of each federal executive agency to establish and implement a policy allowing employees to telework, or work remotely as much as possible without diminishing agency operations or performance; require agency heads to provide training for telework employees and designate a telework managing officer, and exclude certain employees from teleworking, including those disciplined for viewing, downloading or exchanging pornography on the job, as well as those who are seriously delinquent in taxes. Yes. Passed 290-131. 7/14/10.
  • 442. S. 1508, to pass the Senate bill to lower the reporting threshold above which federal agencies are required to report improper payments and require federal agencies to report their plans to prevent improper payments and seek to recover over-payments if a federal program’s outlays exceed $1 million. Yes. Passed 414-0, under suspension of rules. 7/14/10.
  • 444. H.R. 5114, flood insurance program reauthorization. Amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill for earmarks. Yes. Passed 423-3. 7/15/10.
  • 445. H.R. 5114. Amendment to require all funds authorized under the bill to be expended in a manner consistent with the manual on Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch. Yes. Passed 421-0. 7/15/10.
  • 446. H.R. 5114. Motion to recommit the bill to the House Financial Services Committee with instructions to report it back immediately with an amendment striking the section of the bill that would authorize $250 million over five years for a new flood insurance education and outreach grant program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Yes. Failed 191-229. 7/15/10.
  • 447. H.R. 5114. On passage of the bill to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program through September 2015. Yes. Passed 329-90. 7/15/10.
  • 463. H.R. 4213, motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill extending eligibility for extended federal unemployment insurance until November 30, 2010, applied retroactively to June 2. No. Passed 272-152. 7/22/10.
  • 464. H.R. 5341, to designate a postal building in Brighton, Michigan, as the “Joyce Rogers Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 7/22/10.
  • 467. H.R. 1320, to direct federal agency heads to disclose information on advisory committees reporting to them, including information on the appointment process, membership and decision-making process, and require that appointments to advisory committees be made without regard to political affiliation or activity, unless required by federal law. Yes. Passed 250-124, under suspension of rules. 7/26/10.
  • 505. H.R. 5851, offshore oil and gas worker whistleblower protection. Motion to recommit the bill to the House Education and Labor Committee with instructions to report it back immediately with an amendment striking all after the enacting clause and inserting language that would grant whistleblower protections to an employee engaged in activities on or in waters above the outer continental shelf relating to oil production and who has filed a complaint or prompted a proceeding related to workplace safety and health regulation, and require the employee to file a complaint with the Labor secretary within 30 days after such a violation occurs. Yes. Failed 171-234. 7/30/10.
  • 506. H.R. 5851. On passage of the bill to prohibit employers from discriminating against workers in the offshore energy development industry who report suspected safety violations to federal or state authorities and provide that the measure would apply to any employer, including contractors and subcontractors, who hires workers engaged in activities related to oil and natural gas exploration and development on waters on the outer continental shelf. Yes. Passed 315-93. 7/30/10.
  • 522. H.R. 5873, to designate a postal building in Waterford, Wisconsin, as the “Captain Rhett W. Schiller Post Office.” Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 9/15/10.
  • 528. H.R. 3562, to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill designating a federally occupied building in Jackson, Mississippi, as the “James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and Roy K. Moore Federal Building.” Yes. Passed 409-0, under suspension of rules. 9/16/10.
  • 539. H.R. 5297, motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill providing for numerous small-business tax initiatives, and establishing a $30 billion small-business lending fund, directed to community banks, administered by the Treasury Department, and offsetting the cost with increased penalties for failing to file information returns, new limits on paper-makers’ ability to claim a biofuel tax credit and new rules on tax-delinquent federal contractors. No. Passed 237-187. 9/23/10.
  • 556. H.R. 4072, to direct neighborhood training centers to give priority to programs that lead to credentials that are in high demand and recognized by private industry nationwide. Yes. Passed 412-10, under suspension of rules. 9/29/10.
  • 557. H.R. 3421, to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to prohibit credit-reporting agencies from listing in consumer credit reports medical debts that have been paid or settled more than 45 days before the report is issued. Yes. Passed 336-82, under suspension of rules. 9/29/10.
  • 562. H.R. 946, to concur in the Senate amendments to the bill requiring executive branch agencies to use plain language, defined as writing that is clear, concise, well-organized and appropriate to the subject and intended audience, in documents issued to the public, excluding regulations. Yes. Passed 341-82, under suspension of rules. 9/29/10.
  • 563. H.R. 512, to prohibit a chief state election administration official from taking an active part in a federal election campaign that the official supervises, except for his or her own or that of a family member. No. Passed 296-129, under suspension of rules. 9/29/10.
  • 565. H.R. 3940, to concur in the Senate amendments to the bill delaying a scheduled minimum wage increase in American Samoa in 2010 and 2011, and in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in 2011, and expressing the sense of Congress that the Interior Department could provide technical assistance to the government of Guam for public education regarding Guam’s political status only if the status options are consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Yes. Passed 386-5, under suspension of rules. 9/29/10.
  • 574. H.R. 5758, to designate a post office in Fall River, Massachusetts, as the “Sgt. Robert Barrett Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 11/17/10.
  • 578. H.R. 1722, federal telework enhancements. To concur in the Senate amendment to the bill requiring the head of each executive agency to establish and implement a telework policy that would allow employees to work remotely as much as possible without diminishing agency operation or performance and require each agency to designate a telework managing officer. Yes. Passed 254-152. 11/18/10.
  • 579. H.R. 6419, to extend eligibility for expanded unemployment benefits through February 28, 2011, and extend federal funding to states for the costs of additional unemployment benefits through March 1, 2011. No. Failed 258-154, under suspension of rules. 11/18/10. [Note: 2/3s vote required.]
  • 581. H.R. 5877, to designate a post office in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, as the “Lance Cpl. Alexander Scott Arredondo, United States Marine Corps Post Office Building.” Yes. Passed 366-0, under suspension of rules. 11/29/10.
  • 608. H.R. 6400, to designate a post office in St. Louis, Missouri, as the “Earl Wilson Jr. Post Office.” Yes. Passed 382-0, under suspension of rules. 12/7/10.
  • 620. H.R. 4501, to require the adoption of return policies by businesses that purchase precious metals from consumers and solicit such transactions through a Web site and direct the Federal Trade Commission to issue regulations for such transactions. Yes. Passed 324-81, under suspension of rules. 12/8/10.
  • 631. H.R. 5446, to designate a postal facility in Cocoa, Florida, as the “Harry T. and Harriette Moore Post Office.” Yes. Passed 405-0, under suspension of rules. 12/15/10.
  • 634. H.R. 6205, to designate a post office in Bronx, New York, as the “Pvt. Isaac T. Cortes Post Office.” Yes. Passed 399-0, under suspension of rules. 12/15/10.
  • 649. H.R. 1107, to concur in the Senate amendments to the bill revising, codifying and enacting certain laws related to public contracts as Title 41, U.S. code, “Public Contracts.” Yes. Passed 385-0, under suspension of rules. 12/17/10.
  • 654. H.R. 2142, to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill requiring federal agencies to establish performance plans for assessing performance and improving operations and to submit a strategic plan for program activities to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and establish the Performance Improvement Council within the OMB to assist in the development of performance standards and evaluation methodologies. Yes. Failed 212-131, under suspension of rules. 12/17/10. [Note: 2/3s vote required.]
  • 655. H.R. 5510, to allow the Treasury secretary to use unobligated funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to provide legal assistance to homeowners of owner-occupied homes who have mortgages that are in default or delinquency, or in danger of default or delinquency, or are subject to or at risk of foreclosure. No. Failed 210-145, under suspension of rules. 12/17/10. [Note: 2/3s vote required.]
  • 660. H.R. 2142, to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill requiring federal agencies to establish performance plans for assessing performance and improving operations and to submit a strategic plan for program activities to OMB, and establish the Performance Improvement Council within the OMB to assist in the development of performance standards and evaluation methodologies. No. Passed 216-139. 12/21/10.