Digest for H.R. 2079
112th Congress, 2nd Session
H.R. 2079
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 10 Main Street in East Rockaway, New York, as the "John J. Cook Post Office"
Sponsor Rep. McCarthy, Carolyn
Committee Oversight and Government Reform
Date February 14, 2012 (112th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Sarah Makin

On Tuesday, February 14, 2012, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 2079, under a suspension of the rules requiring a two-thirds majority vote for passage.  H.R. 2079 was introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) on June 1, 2011, and referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

This legislation would designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 10 Main Street in East Rockaway, New York, as the "John J. Cook Post Office."

John J. Cook served the community of East Rockaway, New York, for more than six decades, working as a letter carrier at the facility to be named after him.  Serving his community for 60 years and four months, Mr. Cook went above and beyond to serve his neighbors and exemplified professionalism and courtesy each and every day on the job.  Mr. Cook delivered mail on the same route for nearly all of his 60 years on the job; and according to many in his community, he continually touched the lives of countless people spanning generations.

Mr. Cook passed away in 2005 at the age of 78.

According to CBO, any costs related to new post office designations, which include the cost of changing the name on the building, signs, and maps, are not significant.