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Why Won't the President Address Our Southern Border?

Representative Dan Burton (IN05): “I call on fellow Hoosiers to continue their prayers for the family and friends of Nancy Davis and I call on President Obama to secure our Southern border.”

My sincere condolences lie with the friends and family of Nancy Davis. The 59 year-old missionary who frequented Union Bible College in Westfield, Indiana was chased down last week approximately 60 miles from the United States-Mexico border and brutally murdered before the eyes of her husband.

Despite the severe violence that has erupted across Mexico, Davis continued her mission work to help bring God into the lives of the less fortunate and aid to the under-privileged. It is her blood that hits the heart of every American and spills across the hands of an Administration whose inaction is threatening our own country’s stability.

More recently, Mexican Army troops have discovered six burned bodies on a highway outside of Monterrey, the capital of the northern state of Nuevo Leon.

The victims were blindfolded and appeared to have been tortured according to Nuevo Leon Investigations Agency, or AEI.

Nuevo Leon and neighboring Tamaulipas state are dealing with a wave of violence unleashed by drug traffickers battling for control of smuggling routes into the U.S. AEI officials say more than 100 people, including 20 police officers, have been killed this past January alone.

Congressman Dan Burton has tirelessly continued his efforts to focus the Administration’s attention on our Southern border. A letter in October and yet another one in November addressed to the President only resulted in a perfunctory non-answer from an Assistant Secretary of Legislative affairs at the Department of Homeland Security.

Rep. Burton wants to stress that this situation demands a serious presidential response. This reckless bloodshed demands our military to protect American citizens and soil.

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