
Lowey to Boehner: We Can't Backtrack on Women's Health

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland) today issued the following statement defending women’s access to contraceptive services as preventive health care.


“Speaker Boehner and the Republican majority should concentrate on creating jobs and continuing our economic recovery – not decreasing access and increasing costs for women’s health.


“Increased access to birth control is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality, protects women for whom pregnancy could cause medical problems, and reduces incidence of abortion by reducing unintended pregnancies.  Women employed by any hospital, college, or nonprofit are just as entitled to these health benefits as women who work for any other employer.


“President Obama made the right decision when he acted to protect access to birth control for hundreds of thousands of American women, and we can’t backtrack now.” 

