
Lamborn Grateful Hero to be Granted Asylum

U.S. Government Drops Case Against Yousef

Today, the federal government dismissed its case to deport an anti-terror hero and former Hamas informer Mosab Hassan Yousef. An immigration judge ruled he will be granted asylum in the  United States following a routine background check.

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) led the effort on Capitol Hill to rescue Yousef from certain death if he were returned to the West Bank. The Congressman, along with 21 other Members of Congress, sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano urging her to give “full consideration” to Yousef’s “courageous work to prevent acts of terror.”

“I am deeply gratified to know that Mosab’s life has been spared. He was an instrument for good in the Middle East. He saved countless innocent lives by exposing and preventing acts of terrorism plotted by Hamas.

“To deport him would have been a betrayal of American values and would only have emboldened terrorists. Yousef rejected the hate-driven culture of Hamas and sought instead to promote peace in the Middle East. I hold the highest respect for him and I thank him for his courage. I pray that he will continue in his inspired mission to defeat the dark forces of terrorism.”– Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Yousef currently lives in California.  He wants to become a U.S. citizen and hopes to pursue a master's degree in history and geography.

Quick Facts on Mosab Hassan Yousef’s Case

  • Mr. Yousef worked for Israeli intelligence to thwart terrorist attacks before coming to the U.S. in 2007
  • After several years of fellowship with Christians and studying the Bible in Jerusalem, Mr. Yousef converted to Christianity
  • After arriving in the United States, Mr. Yousef continued to be very open about his faith
  • Mr. Yousef speaks regularly to the media against Hamas and radical Islam
