
Congressman Lamborn Responds to State of the Union Address

Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) released the following statement regarding the President’s State of the Union Address.

Where are the jobs, Mr. President?

“Like the majority of Americans, I believe our nation is headed in the wrong direction.  The President talked about cutting back on spending, something I think every American agrees is one of our most serious problems. But if he were really serious about this, he wouldn’t wait until after the next elections. He would start now.

“We should look at real tax cuts to spur business investment, growth, and job creation. I’m concerned that the limited proposals put forward tonight, which are fine as far as they go, are too little, too late. If the President really knew how to create jobs, he would have done it by now.

"We must abandon the nationalization of our nation’s health care, and other radical legislative schemes. Once the federal government stops injecting so much uncertainty into the markets, I believe small business owners will begin hiring and expanding.  Fiscal responsibility is imperative.

“Additionally, Congress must refocus our homeland security efforts to protect Americans from those who would do us harm.  The attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack reminds us that we are still vulnerable to radical Islamic terrorists. We must have a coherent and consistent policy for dealing with those who are at war with us.

"Finally, as Americans watch gas prices creep up again, they want to know what we are doing to achieve energy independence.   I believe we can accomplish this by responsibly tapping into our vast domestic energy supply.  Why aren’t we doing more to lower energy costs by developing more domestic energy?

“As we move forward into 2010, I look forward to working with the President as long as his proposals are not just rhetoric. If we are serious, and work together, we can revitalize the economy and strengthen the nation.”
—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
