Press Releases

Mar 17, 2010

Cleaver announces $16.27 million in Recovery Act award for Kansas City School District

Issues: Community, Education

Money to invest in student classrooms and buildings as District is reorganized

Dec 8, 2009

Congressman Cleaver refuses to vote for Financial Stability Improvement Act and demands answers for African-Americans

Cleaver asks why billions in bailout have not helped minorities homeowners and businesses

Nov 11, 2009

Congressman Cleaver announces passage of bill to officially designate the Liberty Memorial the National World War I Memorial

Issues: Community, Veterans

Bill also will establish National World War I Centennial Commission in Kansas City

Oct 30, 2009

Congressman Cleaver secures nearly $2.4 million for Truman Historic sites in Independence and Grandview

Issues: Community

Funds will help National Parks Service preserve and share the legacy of President Harry S Truman

Oct 29, 2009

Cleaver “20 percent for Green” provision becomes law in Interior Appropriations bill

Action makes down payment on pledge to bring home more money for “green” sewer plan — Kansas City’s green Combined Sewer Overflow Plan will be eligible for more federal money

Jul 21, 2009

Secretary Solis receives a briefing on the Green Impact Zone

Labor Secretary follows EPA Administrator in visit to innovative project in Kansas City
