Sen. Lamar Alexander

Sen. Lamar Alexander


Follow Sen. Alexander in TN, in DC, and in the news.

Tweets Alle / Ingen svar

Alexander to probe deadly meningitis outbreak at hearing Nov 15, invites TN health officials to submit testimony

Proud 2 join in announcing to become a new state park - to be the 55th state park and highest park in state

If there's a piano around, someone's bound to make a request. Alexander playing "Tennessee Waltz" in Hamblen County.

Tells Lamar School students: "There's no reason one of you can't grow up to be gov. or sen., and I hope you will be."

Reading student Ben Kyker's letter inviting him to visit Lamar School in Jonesborough, thanking him for the invitation.

"Gov Romney demonstrated that he knows exactly how 2 get the econ moving again,the kind of pres ldrship Americans are hungry for."

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