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  1. Nation building here at home is an issue that both sides of the aisle should be able to unite behind. The best way for Congress to get the economy back on track is to turn our attention toward investing in America’s infrastructure and creating American jobs.
  2. At Gallagher Beach, the Cofferdam is removed and the study is in full swing!
    Photo: At Gallagher Beach, the Cofferdam is removed and the study is in full swing!
    Photo: At Gallagher Beach
    Photo: Over on the Outer Harbor parcel, construction is nearly complete on the Cofferdam to begin the sand study.
    Photo: Cofferdam at the Outer Harbor parcel
  3. Robert Jackson lived and worked in Jamestown, NY for more then 20 years. From 1912-1925, Jackson's law office was in the Fenton Building on the corner of Main & Second Street in Jamestown. His office was located (primarily) in rooms 600-603. Recently the Historic Markers Committee of Jamestown in collaboration with the Robert H. Jackson Center, placed a historic marker on the outside of the Fenton Building.
    Photo: Robert Jackson lived and worked in Jamestown, NY for more then 20 years. From 1912-1925, Jackson's law office was in the Fenton Building on the corner of Main & Second Street in Jamestown. His office was located (primarily) in rooms 600-603. Recently the Historic Markers Committee of Jamestown in collaboration with the Robert H. Jackson Center, placed a historic marker on the outside of the Fenton Building.
  4. We support New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's request for maximum federal reimbursement for Hurricane Sandy relief & recovery efforts
  5. 107th Air National Guard troops deploying from Niagara Falls Air Force base to help with Hurricane Sandy cleanup
    Photo: 107th Air National Guard troops deploying from Niagara Falls Air Force base to help with Hurricane Sandy cleanup
  6. The flawed flood map program negatively affects communities that have been unnecessarily designated as flood zones by hindering small business, decreasing property values, and forcing residents to pay into a program that they will never benefit from. Mayor Szymanski, Annette Iafallo, and I are committed to fight Lackawanna’s flood zone designation and remove the mandate for these residents to buy unneeded flood insurance.

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