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Science And Technology

165. H.R. 766, Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003. Amendment to require that nanotechnology – the creation and utilization of materials, devices, and systems with novel properties and functions through the control of matter atom by atom, or molecule by molecule – program activities include toxicological and environment impact studies. No. Failed 209-214. 5/7/03.

166. H.R. 766. Amendment to require research on the potential of nanotechnology as an efficient energy source. No. Failed 207-217. 5/7/03.

167. H.R. 766. On passage of the bill to authorize $1.9 billion through FY 2006 for an interagency R&D program to promote and coordinate federal nanotechnology research, development, demonstration, education, technology transfer, and commercial application activities. Yes. Passed 405-19. 5/7/03.

260. H.R. 1320, to facilitate the reallocation of spectrum, the basic building block for any wireless service, from government to commercial users through creation of a trust fund supported by auction bids from private licensees to reimburse government agencies for the cost of relocating radio spectrum operation to other frequencies and provide that bids would have to be at least 110 percent of the estimated relocation costs. Yes. Passed 408-10, under suspension of rules. 6/11/03.

671. S. 877, to impose limitations and penalties on the transmission of so-called SPAM – unsolicited commercial electronic mail via the Internet – and provide that all commercial e-mail be labeled as a commercial communication, have a valid and functional return e-mail address and include a physical postal address, provide that all e-mails containing sexually explicit material carry a warning in the subject line, and authorize the Federal Trade Commission to create a “do not spam” list for people to register their e-mail addresses. Yes. Passed 392-5, under suspension of rules. 11/21/03.