
Lowey Statement on Diplomacy and Development Budget Request

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), Ranking Democrat on the Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee, today issued the following statement on President Obama’s budget request for diplomacy and development programs:


“Diplomacy and development – along with defense – are key pillars of our national security.  I am pleased President Obama has presented a budget request that recognizes the importance of American engagement and leadership.


“As our nation makes the transition to a civilian role in Iraq and begins the process of drawing down U.S. forces in Afghanistan, the demands on our diplomatic and development workforce will only increase, particularly in relation to fighting terrorism, training and equipping allies, and preventing the spread of extremism.  We also continue to face monumental challenges in fighting hunger, poverty, and disease and expanding access to basic education and health systems, which are critical for American leadership.


“During these difficult budget times, I commend President Obama for his continued effort to find operational efficiencies and focus on meaningful, outcome-based evaluation systems to ensure taxpayer funding is used effectively.


“I look forward to working with Chairwoman Granger, the Administration, and my Congressional colleagues to advance our nation’s diplomatic and development priorities.”

