Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness - State of LouisianaSince 1990, the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emgergency Preparedness has coordinated several hundred State Disaster Declarations authorized under the Governor's signature. The GOHSEP staff is poised and ready to serve the people of Louisiana at a moment’s notice.
EMAP Accredited
Alert Level: ELEVATED
The Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) is run by the EMAP commission which is overseen by the National Emergency Management Association and is the only accreditation process for state and local emergency management preparedness. GOHSEP received national emergency accreditation under EMAP in November, 2007.
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News & Information

For information about the Bayou Corne Incident, please visit the incident's page

Assumption UpdateBaton Rouge, LA (October 31, 2012)

GOHSEP Assisting Maryland, Pennsylvania in Responding to Hurricane Sandy Baton Rouge, LA (October 28, 2012) - The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness today deployed a pair of two-person response teams to the state of Pennsylvania to assist with its response efforts for Hurricane Sandy. Another team is scheduled to deploy to Maryland tomorrow.

FEMA Approves Louisiana's Request to Extend Registration Deadline for Hurricane Isaac Aid Baton Rouge, LA (October 26, 2012) - At the request of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, FEMA has extended the deadline for individuals to apply for assistance following Hurricane Isaac, which means Louisiana residents affected by the storm have until November 29, 2012, to register for federal aid.

Hurricane Isaac Damaged almost 59,000 Residences in Louisiana Baton Rouge, LA (September 28, 2012) - Hurricane Isaac damaged almost 59,000 homes in Louisiana, with the most severe losses in St. John the Baptist and Plaquemines parishes, according to data from door-to-door inspections of homes, the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness reported Friday.

FEMA Approves Individual Assistance for Three Additional Louisiana Parishes Impacted by Hurricane Isaac Baton Rouge, LA (September 14, 2012) - At the request of the State of Louisiana, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has approved Individual Assistance for three additional Louisiana parishes affected by Hurricane Isaac, the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness announced Friday. This means residents of East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana and West Feliciana parishes who suffered damages are now eligible for FEMA assistance.

GOHSEP Presentation to Select Committee on Hurricane Recovery Baton Rouge, LA (September 13, 2012)

GOHSEP Recovery briefing Baton Rouge, LA (September 13, 2012)
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