
Lowey Statement on New York Storm Damage

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland) today issued the following statement regarding damage to New York from Hurricane Sandy:

“My thoughts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones in Hurricane Sandy, and to those who were injured or lost homes, businesses, and property.  I offer my thanks to first responders and rescue personnel and to utilities crews working to restore power. 

“When search and rescue efforts are completed, I have urged the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to conduct a Preliminary Damage Assessment in the lower Hudson Valley, and to amend New York’s federal disaster declaration to include Westchester and Rockland Counties.  I am working closely with Governor Cuomo and I have urged local town, village, and county officials to document and estimate damages incurred from the storm, and offered any assistance I can provide.  Judging by the scale of the impact, I expect the lower Hudson Valley to qualify for federal public assistance and individual assistance.

“As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, I will also work with Congressional leadership and the White House to determine whether additional disaster relief appropriations from Congress are necessary to help New York and other states that experienced severe damages.”

