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Congressional Matters

  • 2. Election of speaker. Boehner. Pelosi-255 – Boehner-174. 1/6/09
  • 10. H.Res. 34, to express the sense of the House recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming the United States’ strong support for Israel and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Yes. Passed 390-5, under suspension of rules. 1/9/09.
  • 11. H.Res. 41, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of a National Mentoring Month and recognizing those who volunteer to mentor children and encourage more people to volunteer as mentors. Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 1/13/09.
  • 12. H.Res. 50, to expense the sense of the House honoring the life of former Rhode Island Senator Claiborne Pell (1961-1997), who died January 1, 2009, at age 90 and was the original sponsor of the legislation that created the Pell grant, a program that provides financial aid to college students. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 1/13/09.
  • 13. H.Res. 43, to express the sense of the House encouraging Americans to pay tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through community service projects on Martin Luther King Day, and recognize the value of community service and volunteerism consistent with Dr. King’s values and work. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 1/13/09.
  • 18. H.Res. 40, to amend House rules to require that each standing committee of the House hold at least one meeting every 120 days on waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement in government programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and require committees to hold hearings in any session in which they receive certain information indicating the programs are at high risk for abuse. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 1/14/09.
  • 28. H.Res. 56, to express the sense of the House honoring the contributions of school counselors in elementary and secondary schools, and encouraging the observation of “National Counseling Week” with activities that promote awareness of the role school counselors play in students’ lives. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 1/22/09.
  • 29. H.Res. 58, to express the sense of the House commending the University of Florida football team for winning the Bowl Championship Series National Championship. Yes. Passed 399-5, under suspension of rules. 1/22/09.
  • 30. H.Res. 31, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of a “National Data Privacy Day,” and encouraging data privacy education. Yes. Passed 402-0, under suspension of rules. 1/26/09.
  • 31. H.Res. 84, to express the sense of the House honoring the actions of the pilot, crew and rescuers of the US Airways Flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River on January 15, 2009, shortly after departing LaGuardia Airport in New York. Yes. Passed 402-0, under suspension of rules. 1/26/09.
  • 47. H.Res. 82, to express the sense of the House raising awareness and encouraging prevention of stalking by establishing January 2009 as “National Stalking Awareness Month.” Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 2/3/09.
  • 48. H.Res. 103, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week. Yes. Passed 419-0, under suspension of rules. 2/3/09.
  • 55. H.Res. 114, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of “National Girls and Women in Sports Day” and encouraging schools to continue to provide sports opportunities for girls and women. Yes. Passed 398-0, under suspension of rules. 2/10/09.
  • 56. H.Res. 60, to express the sense of the House commending University of Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford for his academic accomplishments and congratulating him for winning the 2008 Heisman Trophy. Yes. Passed 394-0, under suspension of rules. 2/10/09.
  • 58. H.Res. 128, to express the sense of the House congratulating Miami University in Ohio on its 200th anniversary. Yes. Passed 413-0, under suspension of rules. 2/10/09.
  • 59. H.Res. 134, to express the sense of the House encouraging Americans to remember the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s visit to India and the impact the trip and King’s study of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy had on the civil rights movement. Yes. Passed 406-0, under suspension of rules. 2/10/09.
  • 61. H.Res. 154, to express the sense of the House honoring Rep. John D. Dingell, D-Mich., for holding the record as the longest-serving member of the House. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 2/11/09.
  • 64. H.Res. 117, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Engineers Week. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 2/12/09.
  • 65. H.Con.Res. 35, to express the sense of Congress recognizing the 100th anniversary of the National Association of the Advancement for Colored People and honoring the association for its work. Yes. Passed 424-0, under suspension of rules. 2/12/09.
  • 71. H.Res. 139, to express the sense of the House commemorating the bicentennial of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth, recognizing his commitment to unity in the United States and encouraging Americans to fulfill his vision of equal rights for all. Yes. Passed 403-0, under suspension of rules. 2/13/09.
  • 78. H.Res. 83, to express the sense of the House recognizing the significance of Black History Month as a time to honor the contributions of African Americans and that ethnic and racial diversity strengthens the United States. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 2/24/09.
  • 81. H.Res. 47, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day to honor federal, state and local peace officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 2/25/09.
  • 82. H.Res. 180, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of America Saves Week and acknowledging the efforts of the late Democratic Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio to eliminate predatory lending and increase the nation’s savings rate. Yes. Passed 415-2, under suspension of rules. 2/25/09.
  • 90. H.Res. 183, to express the sense of the House expressing condolences to the families and friends of those who died in the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 and commending those who responded to the emergency. Yes. Passed 399-0, under suspension of rules. 2/26/09.
  • 93. H.Res. 77, to express the sense of the House congratulating the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia, for more than 100 years of leadership and service. Yes. Passed 414-0, under suspension of rules. 3/3/09.
  • 94. H.Res. 201, to express the sense of the House recognizing Beverly Eckert’s service to the nation and particularly to the survivors and families of those who died in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and expressing deepest condolences to the family of Beverly Eckert and the families of all those who died in the February crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 near Buffalo, New York. Yes. Passed 419-0, under suspension of rules. 3/4/09.
  • 95. H.Res. 195, to express the sense of the House honoring the employees of the Department of Homeland Security on the agency’s sixth anniversary for their efforts to keep the United States safe. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 3/4/09.
  • 96. H.Res. 45, to express the sense of the House raising awareness and promoting education about the criminal justice system by establishing March as National Criminal Justice Month. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 3/4/09.
  • 98. H.Res. 146, to express the sense of the House honoring Theodor Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, for his success in encouraging children to discover the joy of reading and commemorating the 12th anniversary of Read Across America Day on March 2. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 3/5/09.
  • 99. H.Con.Res. 14, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week and recognizing Americans who have multiple sclerosis. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 3/5/09.
  • 106. H.Res. 153, to express the sense of the House commending the University of Southern California Trojan football team for winning the 2009 Rose Bowl and applauding the team’s coach, Pete Carroll, for his leadership in the community. Yes. Passed 362-15, under suspension of rules. 3/5/09.
  • 110. H.Res. 210, to express the sense of the House recognizing the importance of the National School Breakfast Program and its effect on the lives of low-income children and families, encouraging states to strengthen such programs, and recognizing the need to provide states with resources to increase availability of breakfasts. Yes. Passed 383-11, under suspension of rules. 3/9/09.
  • 111. H.Res. 222, to express the sense of the House congratulating the National Assessment Governing Board on its 20th anniversary in measuring student academic achievement. Yes. Passed 388-9, under suspension of rules. 3/9/09.
  • 116. H.Res. 67, to express the sense of the House recognizing the scientific contributions of NASA’s Mars exploration rovers, and commending the staff of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Cornell University for successfully operating the rovers. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 3/11/09.
  • 118. H.Con.Res. 38, to allow the U.S. Capitol grounds to be used on May 15, 2009, for the 28th annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service, honoring law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty in 2008. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 3/11/09.
  • 119. H.Con.Res. 64, to express the sense of Congress in appreciation of the families of members of the armed forces and urging the president to designate 2009 as “Year of the Military Family.” Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 3/11/09.
  • 120. H.Res. 125, to express the sense of the House calling on the central authority of Brazil to immediately return Sean Goldman to his father, David Goldman, in the United States, and requesting that the Brazilian government fulfill its obligation under international law to follow the guidelines of the Hague Convention. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 3/11/09.
  • 121. H.Res. 226, to express the sense of the House calling on the People’s Republic of China to immediately lift harsh policies imposed on Tibetans, recognizing the people of India for their generosity toward the Tibetan refugee population, and recognizing the Tibetan people for perseverance in the face of hardship. Yes. Passed 422-1, under suspension of rules. 3/11/09.
  • 124. H.Res. 224, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of “Pi Day,” and encouraging schools to observe the day with activities that teach students about Pi and engage them in the study of math. Yes. Passed 391-10, under suspension of rules. 3/12/09.
  • 128. H.Res. 240, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of Professional Social Work Month and World Social Work Day and recognizing the contributions of social workers and encouraging young people to enter the profession. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 3/17/09.
  • 129. H.Res. 211, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Women’s History Month and recognizing and honoring women and organizations in the United States that promote teaching women’s history. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 3/17/09.
  • 144. H.Con.Res. 76, to express the sense of Congress that the president is appropriately exercising all of the authorities granted by Congress under the 2008 financial bailout law by taking action to ensure that American International Group repay taxpayer money given in retention bonuses, and that companies that receive money from the law limit base salaries to $500,000 per year and do not give excessive compensation payments or so-called golden parachutes going forward. No. Failed 255-160, under suspension of rules. 3/19/10. [Note: 2/3 vote required.]
  • 149. H.Res. 182, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of School Social Work Week and honoring the contributions of school social workers. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 3/24/10.
  • 154. H.Res. 273, to express the sense of the House congratulating the people of Greece as they celebrate the 188th anniversary of the independence of their country and acknowledging Greece’s role in the European region since gaining independence. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 3/25/10.
    168. H.Res. 282, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 30th anniversary of the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, urging the countries to strengthen their relationship and encouraging continued U.S. efforts to foster initiatives to resolve conflicts in the Middle East. Yes. Passed 418-1, under suspension of rules. 3/31/09.
  • 172. H.Res. 279, to provide $304.5 million in the 111th Congress for 19 standing committees of the House, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming; specify $149.6 million for the first session and $154.9 million for the second session, and prohibit committees from spending 2009 money in 2010 unless the chairman and ranking member justify the expenses to the House Administration Committee. No. Passed 288-136. 3/31/09.
  • 173. H.R. 151, to establish the Daniel Webster Congressional Clerkship program to allow graduates of accredited law schools to serve as clerks in the Senate or House for one-year terms and provide that clerks would be appointed equally between majority and minority offices. Yes. Passed 381-42, under suspension of rules. 3/31/09.
  • 174. H.R. 1299, to clarify the administrative authorities of the chief administrative officer of the Capitol Police and provide that the pay for the chief administrative officer be $1,000 less than the annual rate of pay for the chief of the Capitol Police, require the police chief to give notice to certain congressional committees prior to changes in employment positions and repeal rules requiring Capitol police officers to purchase their own uniforms. Yes. Passed 416-1, under suspension of rules. 3/31/09.
  • 179. H.Res. 290, to express the sense of the House extending condolences to the families of Sergeants Mark Dunakin, Ervin Romans, Daniel Sakai and Officer John Hege of the Oakland Police Department in Oakland, California, who died in the line of duty on March 21. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 4/1/09.
  • 207. H.Res. 329, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 144-year anniversary of the steamboat ship SS Sultana accident, honoring the memory of the soldiers and passengers who died in the accident and expressing regret for the lack of oversight that led to the explosion. Yes. Passed 393-0, under suspension of rules. 4/27/09.
  • 209. H.Res. 335, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Volunteer Week, recognizing the critical role of service programs and honoring the contributions of American volunteers. Yes. Passed 396-0, under suspension of rules. 4/27/09.
  • 211. H.Res. 344, to express the sense of the House commending the University of Connecticut for winning the 2009 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women’s basketball tournament. Yes. Passed 425-0, under suspension of rules. 4/28/09.
  • 217. H.Res. 357, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of Financial Literacy Month and recognizing the importance of managing personal finances, increasing savings and reducing debt. Yes. Passed 419-3, under suspension of rules. 4/29/09.
  • 218. H.Res. 109, to express the sense of the House supporting the mission and goals of 2009 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and recognizing the 25th anniversary of the enactment of the Victims of Crime Act of 1984. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 4/29/09.
  • 229. H.Res. 230, to express the sense of the House recognizing the historical struggle for independence and freedom of the Mexican people and requesting that the president issue a proclamation recognizing the importance of Cinco de Mayo. Yes. Passed 395-0, under suspension of rules. 5/4/09.
  • 230. H.Con.Res. 111, to express the sense of Congress congratulating the people of Israel on the 61st anniversary of the country’s independence, recognizing the county for providing refuge and a national homeland for the Jewish people, and commending the commitment of the United States to stand by Israel. Yes. Passed 394-0, under suspension of rules. 5/4/09.
  • 231. H.Res. 299, to express the sense of the House commending public servants for their contributions to the United States during Public Service Recognition Week and throughout the year. Yes. Passed 419-0, under suspension of rules. 5/5/09.
  • 232. H.Res. 338, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Community College Month and congratulating community colleges for their contributions to education and workforce development. Yes. Passed 424-0, under suspension of rules. 5/5/09.
  • 233. H.Res. 353, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of Global Youth Services Days 2009, commending the youth volunteers of the United States and encouraging the cultivation of civic bonds between young people dedicated to serving others. Yes. Passed 424-0, under suspension of rules. 5/5/09.
  • 234. H.Res. 367, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Train Day as designated by Amtrak and recognizing the contributions of trains to the national transportation system. Yes. Passed 426-0, under suspension of rules. 5/6/09.
  • 236. H.Res. 348, to express the sense of the House congratulating the University of North Carolina for winning the 2009 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Men’s Basketball Championship. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 5/6/09.
  • 244. H.Res. 413, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals IEEE Engineering the Future Day, and recognizing the importance of engineering and technology to meeting the nation’s most pressing challenges. Yes. Passed 409-0, under suspension of rules. 5/12/09.
  • 245. H.Res. 378, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 30th anniversary of the election of Margaret Thatcher as the first female prime minister of Great Britain and her work in promoting individual rights and free markets around the world, and acknowledging the strong diplomatic relationship she fostered between the United States and Great Britain. Yes. Passed 339-64, under suspension of rules. 5/12/09.
  • 247. H.Con.Res. 84, to express the sense of Congress supporting the goals and objectives of National Military Appreciation Month and urging the president to issue a proclamation calling on the American people to observe the month annually. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 5/13/09.
  • 253. H.Res. 204, to express the sense of the House congratulating the American Dental Association on its 150th anniversary, commending the group’s work to improve the oral health care of low-income children and recognizing dentists who volunteer to provide oral care to Americans. Yes. Passed 424-0, under suspension of rules. 5/13/09.
  • 263. H.Res. 377, to express the sense of the House honoring members of the armed forces and their families for their service and sacrifice, stating that the House remains committed to supporting the military and encouraging Americans to show appreciation on Armed Forces Day 2009. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 5/14/09.
  • 266. H.R. 347, to authorize a gold medal to recognize the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team of the U.S. Army in recognition of their dedicated service during World War II, and allow the Treasury to create duplicate medals to be sold to cover production costs. Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 5/14/09.
  • 267. H.Res. 300, to express the sense of the House congratulating Camp Dudley YMCA of Westport, New York, on its 125th anniversary and recognizing the camp’s staff, campers and alumni for their contributions to their community. Yes. Passed 388-0, under suspension of rules. 5/18/09.
  • 269. H.Res. 442, to express the sense of the House recognizing the importance of the Child and Adult Care Food Program and its effect on low-income children and families, encouraging states to better coordinate the use of funding across early learning and child development programs, and recognizing the need to provide adequate resources to improve food the program serves. Yes. Passed 377-10, under suspension of rules. 5/18/09.
  • 272. H.Res. 360, to express the sense of the House urging people to visit national cemeteries, memorials and markers on Memorial Day. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 5/19/09.
  • 278. H.Res. 297, to express the sense of the House recognizing National Missing Children’s Day, encouraging Americans to raise public awareness about the issue of missing children and recognizing that an updated photograph is one of the most important tools for law enforcement to use in the case of a missing child. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 5/20/09.
  • 292. H.Res. 421, to express the sense of the House congratulating the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on its 75th anniversary, commendinig the people of east Tennessee and western North Carolina for their sacrifices for the park, and commending the park and the National Park Service for management and preservation of the land. Yes. Passed 392-1, under suspension of rules. 6/2/09.
  • 293. H.J.Res. 40, to pass the joint resolution encouraging Americans to observe Native American Heritage Day by performing activities related to the cultures, traditions and languages of Native Americans. Yes. Passed 385-0, under suspension of rules. 6/2/09.
  • 294. H.Res. 489, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 20th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and expressing sympathy for the families of those killed, tortured and imprisoned for their participation in the protests. Yes. Passed 396-1, under suspension of rules. 6/2/09.
  • 298. H.Con.Res. 109, to express the sense of Congress remembering the lives of those who have died from breast cancer, expressing support for survivors and congratulating participants in the Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure to raise money for breast cancer research and education. Yes. Passed 417-0. 6/3/09.
  • 299. H.Res. 471, to express the sense of the House sending condolences to the families and friends of victims of the May 11, 2009, shooting at the combat stress clinic at Camp Liberty, Iraq, conveying gratitude to armed forces members and committing to focusing on the mental health of U.S. military members. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 6/3/09.
  • 303. H.Res. 196, to express the sense of the House congratulating the University of Tennessee Lady Vols women’s basketball team and head coach Pat Summitt on her 1,000th victory and recognizing the players, coaches and alumni who have contributed to the success of the university’s women’s basketball program. Yes. Passed 417-0, under suspension of rules. 6/4/09.
  • 313. H.Res. 420, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of Flag Day. Yes. Passed 391-0, under suspension of rules. 6/8/09.
  • 316. H.Res. 505, to express the sense of the House condemning the murder of Dr. George Tiller, who was shot to death at his church in Wichita, Kansas, on May 31, 2009; offering condolences to his family and committing to the principles of tolerance and the message that violence is not the appropriate response to differences in beliefs. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 6/9/09.
  • 318. H.Res. 453, to express the sense of the House acknowledging the accomplishments of AmeriCorps members, alumni and community partners, and encouraging Americans to consider serving in AmeriCorps. Yes. Passed 359-60, under suspension of rules. 6/10/09.
  • 319. H.Res. 454, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 25th anniversary of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Yes. Passed 419-0, under suspension of rules. 6/10/09.
  • 334. H.Res. 529, to express the sense of the House condemning the attack on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on June 10, 2009, and honoring the bravery of the museum’s employees and security personnel. Yes. Passed 413-0, under suspension of rules. 6/11/09.
  • 336. H.Res. 430, to express the sense of the House offering condolences to the families of those killed in the April 6, 2009, earthquake that struck the Abruzzo region of central Italy, applauding the response of rescue workers and urging Americans to support humanitarian aid agencies working to assist in the recovery of the region. Yes. Passed 381-0, under suspension of rules. 6/15/09.
  • 339. H.Res. 540, to express the sense of Congress offering condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the explosion on June 9, 2009, at the ConAgra Foods plant in Garner, North Carolina, honoring those who died in the explosion and the 40 others who were injured, and commending the actions of the emergency personnel who responded to the explosion. Yes. Passed 381-0, under suspension of rules. 6/15/09.
  • 343. H.R. 2247, to repeal the requirement that agencies submit rules and reports to the House and Senate that are published in the Federal Register, repeal the requirement that both chambers provide copies of materials to the chairman and ranking member of each committee, and require the Government Accountability Office to submit a weekly report to the House and Senate listing all rules received since the last report. Yes. Passed 414-0, under suspension of rules. 6/16/09.
  • 349. H.Res. 366, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 40th anniversary of the National Eye Institute and supporting the designation of the Decade of Vision in 2010 to 2020. Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 6/16/09.
  • 411. H.Res. 460, to express the sense of the House condemning the Iranian government’s ongoing violence against demonstrators, affirming the importance of democratic and fair elections, and expressing support for all Iranian citizens who struggle for freedom, human rights, civil liberties and protection of the rule of law. Yes. Passed 405-1, under suspension of rules. 6/19/09.
  • 412. H.R. 2918, FY 2010 legislative branch appropriations. Motion to recommit the bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to report it back forthwith with language reducing the accounts for the House of Representatives employee benefits by $100,000. Yes. Passed 374-34. 6/19/09.
  • 413. H.R. 2918. On passage of the bill providing $3.7 billion in FY 2010 appropriations for legislative branch operations, excluding Senate operations. No. Passed 232-178. 6/19/09.
  • 415. H.Res. 520, impeachment of Judge Samuel B. Kent of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas. To agree to Article I, to impeach Judge Kent for engaging in conduct “incompatible with the trust and confidence placed in him as a judge” by sexually assaulting an employee between 2003 and 2007. Yes. Passed 389-0. 6/19/09.
  • 416. H.Res. 520. To agree to Article II, to impeach Judge Kent for engaging in conduct “incompatible with the trust and confidence placed in him as a judge” by sexually assaulting an employee between 2001 and 2007. Yes. Passed 385-0. 6/19/09.
  • 417. H.Res. 520. To agree to Article III, to impeach Judge Kent for obstruction of justice for making false statements, regarding allegations of sexual assault, in June 2007 to a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals special investigative committee. Yes. Passed 381-0. 6/19/09.
  • 418. H.Res. 520. To agree to Article IV, to impeach Judge Kent for making material false and misleading statements, regarding his nonconsensual sexual contact with two employees, to FBI agents in November 2007 and Justice Department representatives in August 2008. Yes. Passed 372-0. 6/19/09.
  • 478. H.Con.Res. 135, directing the architect of the Capitol to design and place a marker in Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center that recognizes the role slaves played in building the U.S. Capitol. Yes. Passed 399-1, under suspension of rules. 7/7/09.
  • 479. H.R. 1129, to authorize a Department of the Interior grant program for entities to provide an iron working training program for Native Americans that includes classroom and on-the-job training, as well as facilitates job placement for those that complete the program. Yes. Passed 329-75, under suspension of rules. 7/7/09.
  • 495. H.Con.Res. 142, to express the sense of the Congress supporting the annual National Men’s Health Week and requesting that the president issue a proclamation calling on Americans to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Yes. Passed 417-3, under suspension of rules. 7/8/09.
  • 514. H.Con.Res. 127, to express the sense of Congress supporting the goals and ideals of Caribbean-American Heritage Month, and affirming that the contributions of Caribbean-Americans are a significant part of the heritage of the United States. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 7/9/09.
  • 515. H.Con.Res. 131, to require the Architect of the Capitol to engrave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and “In God we trust” in the Capitol Visitor Center with approval from the House Administration Committee and the Senate Rules and Administration Committee. Yes. Passed 410-8, under suspension of rules. 7/9/09.
  • 533. H.Res. 612, to express the sense of the House extending sympathies for the victims of the Washington Metrorail accident on June 22, 2009, and for their families, friends and associates. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 7/14/09.
  • 534. H.Res. 469, to express the sense of the House extending gratitude for the character displayed by Wayman Lawrence Tisdale, the former professional basketball player and jazz musician, and extending condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and his home state of Oklahoma over his death. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 7/14/09.
  • 554. H.Res. 543, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of June as “Home Safety Month.” Yes. Passed 416-9, under suspension of rules. 7/16/09.
  • 572. H.Res. 476, to express the sense of the House celebrating the goals and ideals of the 30th anniversary in June of Black Music Month. Yes. Passed 418-0. 7/16/09.
  • 594. H.Res. 607, to express the sense of the House celebrating the 40th anniversary of the moon landing and honoring the crew of Apollo 11 and all those who contributed to the historic achievement. Yes. Passed 390-0, under suspension of rules. 7/20/09.
  • 595. H.R. 2245, to authorize the presentation of congressional gold medals to astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin Jr., Michael Collins and John Herschel Glenn Jr., in recognition of their significant contributions to society. Yes. Passed 390-0, under suspension of rules. 7/20/09.
  • 596. H.Con.Res. 164, to express the sense of Congress recognizing the contributions of the Food and Nutrition Service of the Agriculture Department. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 7/21/09.
  • 599. H.Res. 507, to express the sense of the House supporting National Dairy Month. Yes. Passed 428-0, under suspension of rules. 7/21/09.
  • 600. H.Res. 270, to express the sense of the House recognizing the cooperative efforts of hunters, sportsmen’s associations, meat processors, meat inspectors and hunger relief organizations to establish Hunters for the Hungry programs across the nation to decrease hunger. Yes. Passed 418-1, under suspension of rules. 7/21/09.
  • 601. S.Con.Res. 30, to express the sense of Congress commending the Bureau of Labor Statistics on its 125th anniversary. Yes. Passed 421-2, under suspension of rules. 7/21/09.
  • 602. H.Con.Res. 123, to express the sense of the House recognizing the contributions of player and coach John Heisman to the sport of football. Yes. Passed 423-0, under suspension of rules. 7/21/09.
  • 609. H.Res. 69, to express the sense of the House recognizing the need to continue research related to diabetes and supporting the designation of Latino Diabetes Awareness Month. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 7/22/09.
  • 614. H.Res. 534, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals of National Children and Families Day. Yes. Passed 429-0, under suspension of rules. 7/22/09.
  • 618. H.Res. 566, to express the sense of the House congratulating the Los Angeles Lakers for winning the 2008-2009 NBA championship. Yes. Passed 413-8, under suspension of rules. 7/23/09.
  • 619. H.Res. 350, to express the sense of the House honoring the life and accomplishments of Harry Kalas, a member of the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Hall of Fame, or his invaluable contributions to baseball, the community, and the nation. Yes. Passed 426-0, under suspension of rules. 7/23/09.
  • 647. H.Res. 593, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 50th anniversary of Hawaii becoming the 50th state. Yes. Passed 378-0, under suspension of rules. 7/27/09.
  • 653. H.Res. 616, to express the sense of the House congratulating the Louisiana State University Tigers baseball team on winning the 2009 College World Series. Yes. Passed 426-0, under suspension of rules. 7/28/09.
  • 660. H.Res. 496, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and acknowledging a triumph of democracy over communism. Yes. Passed 432-0, under suspension of rules. 7/29/09.
  • 678. H.R. 2728, to authorize funds for the Library of Congress for administering the law library and require the Library of Congress to operate a William Orton Law Library Support Program. Yes. Passed 383-44, under suspension of rules. 7/30/09.
  • 681. H.R. 1752, to authorize the House Administration Committee to provide for the payment of salaries with respect to a month on a date other than previously provided to conform to generally accepted accounting practices. No. Failed 282-144, under suspension of rules. 7/30/09. [Note: 2/3 vote required for passage under suspension of rules.]
  • 690. H.Res. 447, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 100th anniversary of the American Council of Engineering Companies. Yes. Passed 420-0, under suspension of rules. 9/9/09.
  • 693. H.Res. 722, to express the sense of the House recognizing September 11 as a day of remembrance and service, extending sympathies to the loved ones of the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks, honoring the actions of first-responders and armed forces, and expressing gratitude to the nations that continue to stand in solidarity with the United States against terrorism. Yes. Passed 416-0, under suspension of rules. 9/9/09.
  • 696. H.Res. 6, to express the sense of the House recognizing the contribution coaches make in the lives of children who participate in organized sports, and supporting the goals and encourage the observation of National Coach Appreciation Week. Yes. Passed 388-0, under suspension of rules. 9/14/09.
  • 697. H.Res. 459, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation and encouraging the observation of National Safety Month and recognizing the National Safety Council for raising awareness about the need for safe practices in schools and workplaces. Yes. Passed 386-0, under suspension of rules. 9/14/09.
  • 698. H.Con.Res. 59, to express the sense of Congress recognizing caregiving as a profession, encouraging individuals to provide care to family, friends and neighbors, calling on Congress to fund programs that address needs of seniors and family caregivers, and encouraging the Health and Human Services secretary to continue educating the public on the impact of aging and the importance of knowing options available to seniors who need care. Yes. Passed 387-0, under suspension of rules. 9/14/09.
  • 700. H.Res. 317, to express the sense of the House recognizing the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor as the region from Manhattan, Kansas, to Columbia, Missouri, and as the national center of the animal health industry. Yes. Passed 312-108, under suspension of rules. 9/15/09.
  • 704. H.Res. 260, to express the sense of the House acknowledging that the United States has a high infant mortality rate and supporting efforts to lower the rate and correct racial disparities in prenatal care. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 9/16/09.
  • 720. H.Res. 441, to express the sense of the House honoring and commending Catholic nuns for their service and sacrifice throughout U.S. history and supporting the goals of the Women and Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America traveling exhibit, which recognizes the historical contributions of nuns in the United States. Yes. Passed 412-0, under suspension of rules. 9/22/09.
  • 724. H.Res. 765, to express the sense of the House providing condolences to the families of those killed during the storms and floods in Georgia between September 18 and 21, 2009, and expressing gratitude to emergency personnel. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 9/23/09.
  • 729. H.Res. 696, to express the sense of the House congratulating Western Wyoming Community College on its 50th anniversary. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 9/23/09.
  • 734. H.R. 2918. Motion to instruct House conferees on the FY 2010 legislative branch appropriations bill to disagree to any proposition that would violate a rule that requires modifications to be germane; insist on provisions that do not allow funds to be used to restrict guided tours of the Capitol by members’ offices, and approve the final conference agreement only if it has been available to the managers for at least 48 hours. Yes. Failed 191-213. 9/23/09.
  • 736. H.Con.Res. 163, to express the sense of Congress supporting the designation of National Job Corps Day. Yes. Passed 413-4, under suspension of rules. 9/24/09.
  • 739. H.R. 2918. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $4.7 billion in FY 2010 appropriations for legislative branch operations. No. Passed 217-190. 9/25/09.
  • 741. H.Res. 16, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals and ideals of National Life Insurance Awareness Month. Yes. Passed 394-1, under suspension of rules. 9/29/09.
  • 747. H.Res. 517, to express the sense of the House congratulating the University of Washington women’s softball team for winning the 2009 Women’s College World Series. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 10/1/09.
  • 748. H.Res. 487, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 100th anniversary of the State News at Michigan State University. Yes. Passed 413-0, under suspension of rules. 10/1/09.
  • 750. H.Res. 692, to express the sense of the House supporting the goals of Tay-Sachs Awareness Month and encouraging research into Tay-Sachs disease. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 10/1/09.
  • 751. H.Con.Res. 151, to express the sense of Congress that the Chinese government should release democracy activist Liu Xiaobo and begin making strides toward true representative democracy. Yes. Passed 410-1, under suspension of rules. 10/1/09.
  • 755. H.Res. 707, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week and requesting a presidential proclamation recognizing adult education and literacy programs. Yes. Passed 412-0, under suspension of rules. 10/6/09.
  • 760. H.Res. 701, to express the sense of the House marking the 50th anniversary of the designation of the Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve in Virginia as a protected wetland habitat. Yes. Passed 325-93, under suspension of rules. 10/7/09.
  • 763. H.Res. 795, to express the sense of the House honoring the Shanksville, Pennsylvania, community and the Flight 93 Ambassadors for their dedication to establishing a Flight 93 memorial and encouraging the completion of a permanent memorial by September 10, 2011. Yes. Passed 426-0, under suspension of rules. 10/7/09.
  • 766. H.Res. 650, to express the sense of the House declaring country music to be a uniquely American art form and recognizing country music for its contributions to American life and culture. Yes. Passed 421-0, under suspension of rules. 10/8/09.
  • 767. H.J.Res. 26, to posthumously grant honorary U.S. citizenship to Casimir Pulaski, a Polish military officer who fought on the side of the American colonists against the British in the American Revolutionary War. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 10/8/09.
  • 774. H.Res. 659, to express the sense of the House recognizing the 98th anniversary of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. Yes. Passed 392-0, under suspension of rules. 10/13/09.
  • 775. H.Res. 768, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of October as National Work and Family Month. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 10/14/09.
  • 777. H.Res. 816, to express the sense of the House mourning the loss of life caused by the September 29, 2009, earthquakes and tsunamis in American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga. Yes. Passed 422-0, under suspension of rules. 10/14/09.
  • 779. H.Res. 786, to express the sense of the House recognizing the canonization to sainthood of Father Damien de Veuster. SS.CC., and honoring his legacy, service, and insistence on recognizing the human rights and dignity of every individual, particularly those who lived alongside him at the Hansen’s disease settlement on the island of Molokai, Hawaii. Yes. Passed 418-0, under suspension of rules. 10/14/09.
  • 782. H.Res. 800, to express the sense of the House mourning the loss of life in the Philippines caused by Tropical Storm Ketsana and Typhoon Parma, and urging the president to continue emergency aid to the Philippines. Yes. Passed 415-0, under suspension of rules. 10/15/09.
  • 792. H.Res. 558, to express the sense of the House supporting National Computer Science Week and encouraging computer science education. Yes. Passed 405-0, under suspension of rules. 10/20/09.
  • 794. H.Res. 811, to express the sense of the House supporting the designation of October 2009 as National Principals Month. Yes. Passed 411-0, under suspension of rules. 10/21/09.