Weekly News Round-up

Cyber Caucus News Round-up 10-26-12


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Congressman Jim Langevin (RI-D) and  Congressman Mike McCaul (R-TX) founded the first-ever Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus in September 2008.  As Co-Chairs of the CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency, Langevin and McCaul had been actively engaged in identifying challenges and making recommendations for the incoming Administration, and they wanted to create an opportunity for more members of Congress to get engaged in the same discussions.  While Congress plays a key role in the future of cybersecurity policy, the overlap of committee jurisdictions can sometimes divide the attention and focus of Congress on these issues.  Congressmen Langevin and McCaul hope that this Caucus will help raise awareness and provide a forum for Members representing different committees of jurisdiction to discuss the challenges in securing cyberspace.

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