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  • Prime Time Roundup for Tuesday, Oct.16th Prime Time Roundup for Tuesday, Oct.16th
  • Pizza Hut Presidential Debate question: why not?  Pizza Hut Presidential Debate question: why not?
  • Four MLS 2012 playoff spots still up for grabs Four MLS 2012 playoff spots still up for grabs
  • Is America being held hostage by undecided voters? Is America being held hostage by undecided voters?

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  • L. Dean Latham interviews T.J. O'Hara on "The Balanced Approach" (09/24/2012)
  • Danny de Gracia speaks at Libertarian Party of Hawaii Convention on September 22, 2012
  • Kelly Truth Squad: Interviews with Joshua Mercer of Catholic Vote; attorney Joel Brodsky on the Trayvon Martin case; and Gary Kreep talks about his client Sgt. Stein, who was discharged for posting Facebook remarks about President Obama.
  • Alan Jones and Lisa Ruth talk President Obama's Draft card on the Andrea Shea King Show (May 8, 2012).
  • Jerome Elam discusses child abuse with Patricia McKnight on Dreamcatchers Talk Radio (April 25, 2012).
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Community Directory - 2 6 9 A B C D E > E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W
  • DNC Charlotte

    2012 Democratic National Convention - Charlotte by DNC Charlotte, Eric Golub, Catherine Poe and Bob Taylor

    From the floor and from the news room, from the left and from the right, Communities writers Bob Taylor, Eric Golub and Catherine Poe, to name a few, highlight the news and opinion from Charlotte.

  • 2012 Republican National Convention

    2012 Republican National Convention - Tampa by 2012 Republican National Convention and Catherine Poe

    News from the floor, the people and the politicians at the 2012 GOP/Republican National Convention in Tampa

  • Mario Salazar

    21st-Century Pacifist by Mario Salazar

    Musings of a bilingual, agnostic, combat veteran and jewelry maker.

  • Communities AA Writers

    9/11 We Remember: How terrorism changed us by Communities AA Writers

    On September 11, 2001, our world changed. As we remember 9/11 and those who lost their lives and loved ones, we look back over the last 10 years and how those attacks changed our lives.

  • Jack Maes

    A Canon 'gainst Self Slaughter by Jack Maes

    Making sure religion helps, not hurts the people it touches.

  • Larry A Momo

    A Curmudgeon's View by Larry A Momo

    Writing and contributing to the dialogue of our country is developing into an art form.

  • Catherine Poe

    Ad Lib by Catherine Poe

    Are there profound differences between the Left and the Right? You betcha.

  • Allan Baryio

    Africa Relayed by Allan Baryio

    What if we were all to wish and stop at wishing where would the world be! Stone Age perhaps

  • Bryan Kolesar

    After Hours at The Brew Lounge by Bryan Kolesar

    Exploring the stories behind the passionate pursuit of great beer

  • Jerome Elam

    A Heart Without Compromise; Advocating for Children by Jerome Elam

    Children around the globe are too often silent. From victims of abuse - physical, mental, and sexual to those whose lives embrace joy, their stories are many and need to be heard.

  • Nicholas Goralka

    Alley-Oops by Nicholas Goralka

    Immerse yourselves in the genius insights of a high school sports freak and statistical wizard who knows it all. Or at least thinks he does.

  • Sonal Jaitly

    An Indian Journal - Seeking Balance in India by Sonal Jaitly

    An Indian Journal is your window to the world’s largest democracy with a diverse culture, growing economy and deep contradictions that remain unparalleled.

  • Lisa King

    Appalachian Chronicles by Lisa King

    Enjoy the musings of this irreverent and humorous Appalachian American student of life, using her own unique experience as the springboard.

  • T.J. O'Hara

    A President for the People by T.J. O'Hara

    T.J. O'Hara has joined the political ring, declaring his candidacy for President. If you agree America is in need of solutions rather than political tactics, his is a message worth reading.

  • Vance Garnett

    As I See-Saw It by Vance Garnett

    The world as veteran journalist Vance Garnett sees it, and saw it.

  • Jean Winegardner

    Autism Unexpected by Jean Winegardner

    Thoughts on the unexpected emotions, difficulties and joys involved in raising a special-needs child.

  • Laura Sesana

    A World in our Backyard by Laura Sesana

    The world impacts us. What happens in our towns, cities, states, country and on this planet makes a difference to us.

  • Chantal Maddocks

    Basic Parent by Chantal Maddocks

    You don’t have to be a super-parent to make baby happy. Get pointers on parenting tips to make life easier.

  • Rita Cook

    Behind the Wheel by Rita Cook

    A look at what’s new and what’s worth driving, no matter the budget.

  • Frank Kacer

    Biblical Politics by Frank Kacer

    Although contemporary American politics is an unforgiving environment, it’s still wide open to implement a legitimate worldview based on timeless Biblical values.

  • William Kelly

    Bill Kelly's Truth Squad by William Kelly

    A conservative satirist takes on the worlds of politics and entertainment in humorous pursuit of truth, justice and all things America.

  • Charles Ortel

    Brass Tacks by Charles Ortel

    Resist classification.

  • Communities AA Writers

    Business Browser by Communities AA Writers

    When you need to know who is making business, and what business is being made, you need the Business Browser.

  • Wayne Anderson

    Buzz on Bees by Wayne Anderson

    Buzz on Bees is a column promoting the love and life of God’s greatest pollinators on earth: The Honeybee

  • Shaun Connell

    Capitalism Institute by Shaun Connell

    Capitalism Institute covers political news from an economic approach, emphasizing the basic human need for liberty.

  • Kristi Overton-Johnson

    Champion's Heart by Kristi Overton-Johnson

    A wife, mother of three and world waterskiing champion looks at the world through the eyes of her faith.

  • Tiffany Madison

    Citizen Warrior by Tiffany Madison

    Uncensored exploration of the social, political, historical and personal issues concerning military veterans and their role in modern society.

  • Paul E. Rondeau

    Common Sense by Paul E. Rondeau

    Paul Rondeau dissects the propaganda, media tricks, and other shenanigans targeting our families, faith, and freedom…and even life itself

  • Kerby Rials

    Common Sense and Current Events by Kerby Rials

    As Mark Twain said, The trouble with common sense, is that it isn’t common. Writer Kerby Rials shines the lights of common sense and humor on the US presidential race, the culture wars & life in general.

  • Communities AA Writers

    Communities Health and Science today by Communities AA Writers

    A collection of reader guest articles, thoughts and opinions by Communities writers, expert opinions and breaking news and information.

  • Eric Nelson

    Consciousness & Health by Eric Nelson

    Taking a deeper look at the undeniable connection between mind and body from a writer and speaker on matters of health, and a practitioner of Christian Science.

  • Ruth Hill

    Contemporary Christian Travel by Ruth Hill

    Christians have long taken pilgrimages. Today faith-based travel has a new look that blends heritage with diversions.

  • Jasper Macmasters

    Convergence: The Science of Religion by Jasper Macmasters

    The temptation is to close our minds and take a side: however on this subject, more than any other, it is open minds we need.

  • Linda Mensinga

    Culinary Quest by Linda Mensinga

    Great discoveries in the world of restaurants and chefs fulfill the quest for delicious food and cooking.

  • John Bennett

    Cultural Matters in the Unheavenly City by John Bennett

    Looking at current events free of dogma and false compassion.

  • Larry Momo

    Curmudgeon Corner by Larry Momo

    Now that Andy Rooney is gone some thought I should step in to be America’s next curmudgeon. What a thought!

  • Terry Ponick

    Curtain Up! by Terry Ponick

    Classical music and the performing arts: news and reviews you can use.

  • Cynthia Lim

    East Meets West Parenting by Cynthia Lim

    The laughter and tears of parenting across borders and cultures.

  • Daniel Brackins

    Economic Sophisms by Daniel Brackins

    Looking at the seen and unseen sides of politics and economics.

  • Anwaar Abdalla

    Egypt: Pyramids and Revolution by Anwaar Abdalla

    Egypt is filled with first hand accounts about Egypt - sharing stories, culture and news.

  • Ayobami Olugbemiga

    Elections Fastbreak by Ayobami Olugbemiga

    “Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right?”- Robert Orben

  • Julia Goralka

    End of the Day by Julia Goralka

    As the sun sets, the day ends, thoughts crowd our minds...

  • Michael Jaeger

    >Energy by Michael Jaeger

    Our world is full of energy in many forms. Come explore how energy touches everything in our lives.

  • Jason Black

    Fade to Black by Jason Black

    Oklahoman Jason Black's view of sports with a twist of pop culture.

  • Claire Hickey

    Feed the Mind, Nourish the Soul by Claire Hickey

    What does it take to change your path to one that will feed the passions within you?

  • Bob Siegel

    Forbidden Table Talk by Bob Siegel

    Political satirist and Christian apologist Bob Siegel discusses religion and politics.

  • Stacy Swimp

    Frederick Douglass: A model for the ages by Stacy Swimp

    Frederick Douglass remains an example of the power of abiding in faith and hope. He went from being a slave to becoming a model for the ages.

  • Geno Carter

    Geno's World at The Communities by Geno Carter

    Can Geno’s World entertain me, inform me and make me a better person? Yes. Can you loan me Five bucks? No.

  • Rita Cook

    Globally Green by Rita Cook

    An inside look at the world highlighting not only green issues affecting us all, but everything from green travel to green technology.

  • Mary Moran

    Hail Mary Food of Grace by Mary Moran

    Chef Mary Moran discusses the food we eat, where it comes from and what it does for us.

  • John Haydon

    Haydon's Soccer and Sports Pitch by John Haydon

    Covering the world of soccer, including the World Cup, Major League Soccer, D.C. United and the English Premier League and other interesting sporting events.

  • Jacqueline Marshall

    Healthy Tips and Scripts by Jacqueline Marshall

    A useful and slightly humorous digest of the latest health buzz, tips, and resources.

  • Mark Hensch

    Heavy Metal Hensch by Mark Hensch

    The brutal truth on all things heavy metal.

  • Vasko Kohlmayer

    Higher Things by Vasko Kohlmayer

    Because everything is ultimately spiritual.

  • Dennis Jamison

    History on Purpose by Dennis Jamison

    History doesn't have to be grim; there is a lot to be learned from the pages of time.

  • Dave Bartruff

    Images from Dave Bartruff's World by Dave Bartruff

    We can't always journey to the far corners of the world; Thankfully photojournalists share their journeys with us. Come see the world through Dave's heart, eyes and lens.

  • Jessica Claire Haney

    Ingredients for Healthy Living by Jessica Claire Haney

    Reflections on raising families in a holistic way -- with a focus on nutrition and alternative health.

  • Carter Lee

    In That Moment of Space by Carter Lee

    Space, it’s all around us. The question is how will you use yours.

  • Paul Samakow

    Leading Edge Legal Advice for Everyday Matters by Paul Samakow

    Life Happens and the Law either protects you or foils you. Here you will learn how to stay ahead of the game.

  • Myra Fleischer

    Legally Speaking by Myra Fleischer

    Despite cynicism about the law, it can provide you justice, protection, and ensure your rights.

  • Qaisar Farooq Gondal

    Letters from Pakistan by Qaisar Farooq Gondal

    This is a place for those who are looking forward to understand Muslim civilisation of Pakistan.

  • Laurie Edwards-Tate

    LifeCycles by Laurie Edwards-Tate

    The “Silver Tsunami” created by aging Baby Boomers is hitting America. Let’s explore how we adjust to it, enjoy it and defy negative expectations about age.

  • Michael Janati

    Life-Line: Healthful Habits Made Simple by Michael Janati

    Gaining familiarity with the psychological underpinnings of hurdles encountered when making lifestyle changes, and modifying these behavioral strategies to improve adherence and attain goals

  • Communities AA Writers

    Life Lines: Where Readers Write by Communities AA Writers

    Join the Communities and submit your column in response to one written, or on something totally new and unique. We want to hear from you

  • Joseph Cotto

    Life Stories by Joseph Cotto

    Culture, entertainment, style, travel, and more of the finer things in life.

  • Lisa M. Ruth

    Life With Lisa by Lisa M. Ruth

    Reviews, insights and commentary from an eclectic observer.

  • Paula Carrasquillo

    Living Inside Out Loud by Paula Carrasquillo

    Connecting to our emotional, physical, and mental health one story at a time

  • Communities AA Writers

    London 2012 Summer Olympic Games by Communities AA Writers, Jason Black, Karla Bruning, Gayle Falkenthal, Nicholas Goralka, John Haydon, Catherine Poe, Jill K. Robinson and Arjuna Subramanian

    Citius, Altius, Fortius: Faster, Higher, Stronger. The world gathers in London, England to witness athletes performing at the highest levels of sport and human spirit at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

  • Luke Montgomery

    Looking for Luke by Luke Montgomery

    Looking for answers to social discontent as the clock of civilization winds down.

  • Lori Rose Centi

    Lori's Centiments by Lori Rose Centi

    From family to children, to life on our street and in our world, Lori shares her view of the world

  • Bill Randall

    Lower 9th Ward Conservative by Bill Randall

    Weekly agitation from a columnist who many believed to be one of the least likely to become known as a Conservative Republican.

  • Donna Rae Scheffert

    Making Change by Donna Rae Scheffert

    People making changes that positively impact their own and others lives.

  • Danny de Gracia

    Making Waves: A Hawaii Perspective on Washington Politics by Danny de Gracia

    How does our 50th state view D.C. politics?

  • Gayle Falkenthal

    Media Migraine by Gayle Falkenthal

    First over-the-counter column approved for fast and effective relief from even your worst media-induced headache.

  • Adam Frederic Dorin, M.D., MBA

    Medicine and Politics in America by Adam Frederic Dorin, M.D., MBA

    Health care reform, organized medicine, physician practice management, and patient care--a real time look at the challenges facing doctors and patients in America today.

  • Peter Bella

    Middle Class Guy by Peter Bella

    What does the middle-class conservative think about everything? Find out here.

  • Michael Lamardo

    Mobilization of the Craft Beer Industry by Michael Lamardo

    Craft breweries are getting more attention from patrons in the industry lately.

  • Terry Ponick

    Morning Market Maven by Terry Ponick

    Wall Street news before (and occasionally after) the opening bell.

  • Jason Black

    Movies in Total by Jason Black

    Movie reviews, interviews, including the latest on DVR and Blu-Ray.

  • Communities AA Writers

    Museum Mavens by Communities AA Writers

    News and reviews of notable museums, and exhibits, and art events.

  • Eric Golub

    Narcotics For Leatherheads (NFL) by Eric Golub

    NFL junkie Eric Golub reports on his favorite obsession. There is no football offseason. Every February he pretends to care about other sports while sobbing uncontrollably each Sunday until September.

  • Tommy Swanson

    Networking Without Faces by Tommy Swanson

    Observing how non-profits, businesses, and ordinary people engage with others online.

  • Frank Raj

    No 2 Religion Yes 2 Faith by Frank Raj

    To give all religions due respect, but give none the power to control our connection with God.

  • Mary Tabor

    Not What You Expect with Mary L. Tabor by Mary Tabor

    I ferret out the detail, love the footnote, am never bored and believe it all leads to story. Best advice I ever got? “Only connect …” E.M. Forster

  • Amanda Read

    Not Your Average Read by Amanda Read

    Commentary by Amanda Read, an unconventional student.

  • Catherine Durkin Robinson

    Occupy Parenthood by Catherine Durkin Robinson

    Tips for American parents interested in raising healthy, competent, and socially-aware children who will never embarrass themselves on reality television.

  • Adam Helfer

    Omkara World by Adam Helfer

    Empowering mind/body/spirit and health dialogue along with cutting-edge, conscious social, political, and world commentary with Adam Omkara. Join the Evolution!

  • Tamar Alexia Fleishman

    Out and About Baltimore by Tamar Alexia Fleishman

    Charm City Charmers: a not-so-ragtag group of Baltimore area writers lead by Tamar Alexia Fleishman

  • Sherrie Perkovich

    Out and About San Francisco ~ San Jose by Sherrie Perkovich

    Join us for an extraordinary adventure through the San Francisco Bay Area, including San Jose.

  • Frances Ponick

    Pages and Stages by Frances Ponick

    Communications: Issues, answers, and expert advice.

  • Brighid Moret

    Parenting The First Time Through by Brighid Moret

    Entering the world of first time parents, there are lots of secrets unveiled.

  • Matt Payne

    Payne-Full Living by Matt Payne

    Join Matt on weekly adventures in all forms as he pushes past his comfort levels in an attempt to stimulate the body, mind and soul.

  • Jim Bozeman

    Pithanthropy – The Human Conditioner by Jim Bozeman

    Sometimes life requires a paradigm twist.

  • Communities AA Writers

    Political Potpourri by Communities AA Writers

    A collection of reader guest articles, thoughts and opinions by Communities writers and breaking news and information.

  • Jeneba Ghatt

    Politics of Raising Children by Jeneba Ghatt

    A slice of suburban family life from the diverse perspectives of a politically minded mom.

  • Vishwas Anand

    Provoking Hearts and Minds by Vishwas Anand

    Vishwas Anand feels poetry can influence minds and hearts as you sway to your latent emotions and seek that perfect resonance.

  • Zach Buccieri

    Puck Talk: All Things NHL by Zach Buccieri

    Focusing on the game of hockey and its struggle towards a season.

  • Richard Townley

    Reality 101 by Richard Townley

    Time to grow up, stop whining and get back to work building a better world.

  • Thomas Mullen

    Reawakening Liberty by Thomas Mullen

    Reawakening Liberty features libertarian, writer and pundit Tom Mullen bringing forth observations and news from the world of politics, and life, today.

  • Al Maurer

    Red Pill, Blue Pill by Al Maurer

    Al Maurer provides a common sense, conservatarian, Constitutional conservative perspective from the battleground state of Colorado.

  • Andrea Poe

    Red Thread: An Adoptive Family Forum by Andrea Poe

    The Red Thread is written for that special tribe: adoptive families and those who hope to be.

  • Sidrah Zaheer

    Reflective Persuasions by Sidrah Zaheer

    Being reflective, Sidrah Zaheer tries to make her points persuasively on anything that peaks her curiosity and needs to be told.

  • Rich Stowell

    Rich Like Me by Rich Stowell

    An establishmentarian conservative, short on cash, but long on wisdom.

  • Stephen Bradley

    Riffs by Stephen Bradley

    Find up-to-date information on the D.C. and Baltimore live music scenes and read interviews with artists and reviews of the latest releases and concerts.

  • Youngbee Dale

    Rights So Divine by Youngbee Dale

    Everyone has the divine rights as human beings because they were created in the image of God

  • Gayle Falkenthal

    Ringside Seat by Gayle Falkenthal

    Get in the middle of all the action inside and outside the boxing ring.

  • Karla Bruning

    Run, Karla, Run! by Karla Bruning

    Notes from a running nerd: musings and more on all things running.

  • Rich Stowell

    Salt Lake City and the world by Rich Stowell

    Rich Stowell explores his own backyard and the world that surrounds it

  • Sisi Lwandle

    Scatterings of Africa by Sisi Lwandle

    In a continent where dictators are releasing fashion clothing lines, fuel more expensive than the actual vehicle and the press strategically silenced, I honestly have no idea where to start.

  • Jennifer Grassman

    SeeTalkGrow: The New Entertainment Industry by Jennifer Grassman

    Documenting the development of an emerging business model and networking platform, Project SeeTalkGrow takes an inside look at the music, film, technology, and communications industries.

  • Todd DeFeo

    Sightseers' Delight by Todd DeFeo

    Consummate traveler Todd DeFeo explores the unique stories that make destinations worth going to.

  • Laurie Forster

    Sipping Point by Laurie Forster

    Practical and down to earth information on the world of wine and spirits.

  • Todd Stowell

    Space Center by Todd Stowell

    As the Space Shuttles are crated up to be shipped to museums, including the Smithsonian Air and Space in Washington, DC, writer Todd Stowell records the process.

  • Holly Smith

    Speaking Out by Holly Smith

    An advocate against sexual trafficking and for victims, Holly Smith speaks out.

  • Manu Arya

    Spiritually Yours by Manu Arya

    Spiritually yours is about each one of us. Mostly using examples from mythological stories, this column tries to find logic behind faith.

  • Jill K. Robinson

    Sportfolio by Jill K. Robinson

    Exploring the world of adventure sports—where “adventure” is sometimes only a state of mind.

  • Catherine Poe

    Sports Around by Catherine Poe

    Contributions to the Communities Sports desk from readers.

  • Angelique Christina

    Spotlight on Sports by Angelique Christina

    Angelique Christina looks at sports - from the game to the latest news, reviews and scandals

  • Jim Picht

    Stimulus That! by Jim Picht

    Global economy, the civilizing power of markets and public morals.

  • Clark Eberly

    Stories of Faith by Clark Eberly

    Stories, essays and ideas on issues of faith

  • Peter Lind

    Stress and Health with Dr. Lind by Peter Lind

    Unwinding your stress and improving your health

  • Tim Kern

    Talking Sense by Tim Kern

    We’re human: we don’t always think things through, so we accept many ideas that are, well, ideas that are wrong. We also look past certain truths without recognizing them.

  • Jacqueline Marshall

    Tango of Mind and Emotion by Jacqueline Marshall

    Notes for nurturing and understanding mental-emotional health.

  • Barbara Amaya

    Telling It Like It Is by Barbara Amaya

    Barbara Amaya brings a unique perspective and voice to her writing, the voice of a survivor

  • Jennifer Grassman

    The Business of Being Diva by Jennifer Grassman

    Documenting the transitional state of the music industry.

  • Martha M. Boltz

    The Civil War by Martha M. Boltz

    News and views on the Civil War.

  • Henry D'Andrea

    The Conscience of a Conservative by Henry D'Andrea

    Ever ponder what a Conservative thinks?

  • Joseph Cotto

    The Conscience of a Realist by Joseph Cotto

    Politics, economics, and business from a real world perspective.

  • Eric Zuley

    The EZ Way by Eric Zuley

    The "Hollywood It Guy" Eric Zuley, brings exciting entertainment as he interviews today's hottest celebrities.

  • Johann Carpio

    The Gray Arts by Johann Carpio

    Observing how businesses are done.

  • Bryana Johnson

    The High Tide and the Turn by Bryana Johnson

    Political commentary and literary criticism in an era of eroding liberty

  • Nicholas Goralka

    The Liberal Pinko by Nicholas Goralka

    A liberal view of America from the eyes of a member of our next generation of leaders.

  • Oleg Atbashian

    The People's Cube by Oleg Atbashian

    Oleg Atbashian is a writer and graphic artist from the former USSR and author of Shakedown Socialism, of which David Horowitz said, "I hope everyone reads this book."

  • Conor Murphy

    The Political Pro-Con by Conor Murphy

    Not your typical discussion, writer Conor Murphy writes about the cons, and pros, of politics

  • Terry Ponick

    The Prudent Man by Terry Ponick

    Right-brain investing in a left-brain world. You can do it. I can help.

  • Kevin Kelly

    The Remnant - as bureacracy fails by Kevin Kelly

    Challenge the political status quo. Realize that you make better decisions than the bureaucrats in D.C.?

  • Arjuna Subramanian

    The Sports Philosopher by Arjuna Subramanian

    A statistically slanted view of sports, brought to you by a disciple of the Bill James movement.

  • Jeff Barrett

    The Status Update by Jeff Barrett

    An informed and often humorous take on the world of advertising, public relations and social media. 100% Pure. Not from concentrate.

  • Nancy Regg

    The Stories of Rolling Thunder by Nancy Regg

    Nancy Regg, one of the volunteers of this great group, narrates the stories told by the troops of Rolling Thunder, and those that love them

  • Eric Golub

    The Tygrrrr Express by Eric Golub

    A politically conservative and morally liberal Hebrew alpha male hunts left-wing viper

  • Bob Taylor

    Travels with Peabod by Bob Taylor

    Life lessons, adventures, people places and observations as I undertake my personal quest to travel to 100 or more countries before I die.

  • Communities AA Writers

    Travel the World by Communities AA Writers, Puja Amin, Rita Cook, Mike Lapointe, Jennifer Merrick, Kathy M. Newbern and Andrea Poe

    It's a big world to play in, and learn from. Join us as we travel it's boundaries and beyond.

  • Carla Garrison

    Truth Be Told by Carla Garrison

    Thinking a little deeper about our lives, our country and our values.

  • Lisa King

    TV Den by Lisa King

    Television commentary, reviews, news and nonstop DVR catch-up.

  • Shirley Husar

    Urban Game Changer by Shirley Husar

    A mother of three and a passionate conservative, Shirley Husar changes the game.

  • Communities AA Writers

    World Beliefs by Communities AA Writers

    Communities writers and readers contribute articles and thoughts on religion from wherever they may be.

  • Donald L. Brake, Sr.

    World’s Best-Selling Book by Donald L. Brake, Sr.

    How does the Bible continue to have such an impact on modern American faith?

  • Communities AA Writers

    World View by Communities AA Writers

    Columns from Voices around the World talking about the events, people, politics and social issues that concern us wherever, and whoever, we are.