Weekly Republican RoundUp 1/31/11

The week began with Republican Chairman Spencer Bachus (AL) of the Financial Services Committee taking the first steps into investigating the causues of the 2008 financial crisis. This upcoming week Government Sponsored Enterprises, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, will finally be held accountable and forced to answer questions regarding their irresponsible behavior with taxpayer dollars. The primary concern for the committee is to protect taxpayers and to bring, "A real end to 'too big to fail." 

Support for repeal and replace was justified midweek when U. S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the health care law "must be declared void."  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's individual insurance mandate was the primary cause for the decision. Judge Vinson cited that the mandate is "not severable" from the rest of the bill therefore it "must be declared void." The decision is a strong backer for enabling Republicans to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with commonsense solutions that will lower costs and increase choice for Americans. Even though Republicans passed repeal in the House, the Senate could accomplish the same fate and the proposal was defeated 51-47.

This week came to a close with the announcement of January's unemployment numbers. While undergoing a 0.4 percent decline in unemployment it is only a drop in the tank. Unemployment has sustained at or above 9.0 percent since April 2009 and jobs are not being created fast enough to create the substantial impact needed to boost the economy. Unemployment remains at historic highs, but House Republicans will remain committed to keeping their Pledge to America until jobs are created and the economy gets back on track.